Hazelnut triacylglycerol fingerprints obtained by concatenating GC-MS Extract...
Dataset containing GC-MS raw analytical data (extracted ion chromatograms, not aligned) obtained and used by Torres-Cobos et al., (2024). Data correspond to the triacylglycerol... -
Replication Data for: Experiences on Room Identification by Odor with a Singl...
This dataset contains the data captured with an electronic nose developed at the Robotics and Automation Laboratory of the Universitat de Lleida. The e-nose was placed in seven... -
Data on particle properties, numerical and mass concentrations and chemical c...
From October 2020 to June 2021 the Surfing for Science project engaged volunteers to collect scientific samples on floating microplastics in nearshore waters of the NW... -
Real-time data acquisition for the "Verd de Proximitat BCN" project
Technical details of the project “Verd de Proximitat BCN”, consisting of the monitoring of several green roofs in Barcelona. It consists of four parts. A: Description of all the... -
Real-time infra-red monitoring of green roofs with an AMG8833 IR Thermal Camera
We use an Adafruit AMG8833 IR Thermal Camera Breakout to continually measure surface temperature on green roofs. The actual sensor is a Panasonic 8x8 array of IR thermal... -
Calibrating and coding a weather station with MakeCode for a BBC micro:bit
Calibrating and coding a micro:bit v2 to work with a weather:bit micro:bit carrier board (Qwiic) for the SparkFun Weather Meter Kit. Grace, 5.1.25 -
Datos de replicación para "Caracterización Hidrogeoquímica de Venezuela"
Este conjunto de datos son una serie de pruebas fisicoquímicas de aguas tomadas en su mayoría de pozos de petróleo y/o gas o muestras tomadas en superficie. La base de datos se... -
Replication Data for: Dunaliella viridis TAV01: A Halotolerant, Protein-Rich ...
This study describes the isolation and identification of Dunaliella viridis TAV01, a novel microalga strain discovered in a salt pond in Algarve, Portugal, in 2023. The main aim... -
Replication Data for: Effectiveness and acceptability of targeted text messag...
Data from a randomized clinical trial aimed at evaluating the impact on participation of an additional FIT completion/return reminder delivered by text message to individuals... -
OpenFOAM files and processed data of thermally-driven winds on Mars: the Gale...
The dataset contains OpenFOAM files and processed data corresponding to the book chapter titled: Arias, S., Rojas, J. I., & Montlaur, A. (2024). 'Simulations of... -
Phorid Flies in Mushroom Growing Farms
Dipteran species are some of the most serious arthropod pest affecting mushroom crops. The phorid fly Megaselia halterata Wood (Diptera: Phoridea) has traditionally been... -
3 Years data of air temperature and relative humidity in two houses with diff...
This dataset shows values of air temperature and relative humidity in two houses that were monitored for 3 years. The houses are side by side in a village in the Litoral... -
Replication Data for: "Light phase modulation with transparent paraffin-based...
This dataset contains the optical, morphological, thermal and thermo-optical characterization of a serie of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) films containing phase change materials... -
Consumer segmentation based on intention to try and perceptions of foods with...
This study investigates consumer segments that are more or less willing to adopt foods with microalgae proteins in Europe. Conducted in November 2021, a quantitative online... -
Optical Constellation Analysis (OCATA)
The dataset contains synthetic IQ optical constellation data for 16-QAM optical connections generated with a Matlab-based coherent WDM optical system simulator -
Willingness to pay for foods with microalgae proteins
This study evaluates consumers' willingness to pay for pasta with microalgae proteins and the impact of different front-of-pack labels, including Nutri-Score, organic, and vegan... -
Spanish one-person household emissions per COICOP products dataset (1998-2019)
The dataset provides detailed information on greenhouse gas emissions from Spanish one-person households between 1998-2019, broken down by direct and indirect emissions across... -
Nutritional and organoleptic data for bakery products formulated with microalgae
This abstract focuses on the data obtained and published in the paper “Exploring the Nutritional Potential of Microalgae in the Formulation of Bakery Products”. In a... -
Audio-visual feedback in Higher Education
Audiovisual feedback in Higher Education. In this study, carried out in a face-to-face and an online university, several subjects were selected to provide bachelor’s and... -
Children Saliva Data for Replication Antibody Conversion rates to SARS-CoV-2 ...
This database contains data from saliva samples from children who have participated in the study "Replication Antibody Conversion rates to SARS-CoV-2 in Saliva from Children...