Fostering higher education students' autonomy through blended learning
The dataset contains 476 responses of higher education students to a questionnaire on the use of digital portfolios, the perception of their own autonomy and the self-assessment... -
Presencia y actividad de las universidades en redes sociales
Los datos recopilan el volumen de presencia y actividad de las 70 universidades top-ranked en Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn -
Insecticide resistance in Mozambique
A dataset contains phenotypic and genotypic resistance data for the malaria vector, Anopheles funestus s.l. from Central Mozambique. -
Assessing consumer support for pesticide reduction in vineyards and olive gro...
While the EU's pesticide reduction efforts primarily target farmers, consumers also play a crucial role in achieving these goals through their purchasing decisions. This survey... -
Replication Data for: Integrated InP-based transmitter for continuous-variabl...
The experimental procedure is explain in detail in our published article (DOI: 10.1364/OE.550386) Data processing methods: [Recommended | Describes how the published dataset was... -
Replication data for Hyperedge prediction and the statistical mechanisms of h...
Complex networked systems often exhibit higher-order interactions, beyond dyadic interactions, which can dramatically alter their observed behavior. Consequently, understanding... -
Categorització de grups focals sobre el futur habitatge per a la gent gran - ...
Es tracta de la categorització inicial dels 5 grups focals, amb 37 informants ( usuaris presents i potencials d'algun tipus d'habitatge adaptat per a gent gran i familiars de... -
Replication Data for: Polylactic acid nanoplastics (PLA-NPLs) induce adverse ...
This dataset includes the images published in the paper "Polylactic Acid Nanoplastics (PLA-NPLs) Induce Adverse Effects on an In Vitro Model of the Human Lung Epithelium: The... -
Orchard farmers' behavioral intentions and willingness to adopt pesticide-red...
Vineyard and olive grove farmers rely heavily on plant protection products (i.e., pesticides) to ensure production. However, the ambitious EU Green Deal target requires that... -
Replication data for: Did COVID-19 really change our lifestyles? Evidence fro...
This dataset includes the data and code necessary to reproduce the results from the manuscript titled ‘Did COVID-19 really change our lifestyles? Evidence from transport energy... -
Supplementary Material of the "Melatonin as a possible stimulus to unmask an ...
Supplementary Material of the "Melatonin as a possible stimulus to unmask an oxytocin deficient state in hypopituitarism and hypothalamic damage" trial (NCT05319301), that... -
Geomagnetic observatory data, Ebre Observatory 2025
Geomagnetic observatory vector (X, Y, Z) and scalar (F) definitive data (quasi-definitive data are available until the definitive data are ready) recorded by the Ebre... -
Las políticas epistémicas en la ciencia reguladora
Este Dataset abarca varias tablas que, para cada uno de los varios casos de estudios llevados a cabo en el proyecto de investigación, ponen en relación, por un lado, las... -
Acoustic measurements at Sant Andreu de Pujol, Pallars Sobirà, Catalonia
The dataset includes sound level meter readings and audio files recorded at two receiver points (R1 and R2) at the site Sant Andreu de Pujol (Pallars Sobirà, Catalonia). We used... -
Informació sobre campayes de comunicació sobre civisme i percepció ciutadana
L’objectiu d’aquestes dades és recollir, a través dels enllaços corresponents, el conjunt dels impactes publicats a Facebook sobre la temàtica de civisme, des del 2018 fins al... -
Relació entre llenguatge i envelliment en adults amb Síndrome de Down
El conjunt de dades que es posen a disposició són avaluacions del llenguatge oral expressiu i receptiu amb diferents proves logopèdiques/psicològiques: Peabody, Token test,... -
Nanomechanics of cell-derived matrices as a functional read-out in Collagen V...
This dataset includes all data reported in the manuscript entitled "Nanomechanics of cell-derived matrices as a functional read-out in Collagen VI-related Congenital Muscular... -
Replication Data for: Taphonomic Insights from a Spatial Perspective: The Per...
This dataset contains the results of the macroscopic taphonomic analysis carried out on 6 individuals of Tapirus arvernensis and 1 individual of Stephanorhinus cf. jeanvireti... -
Single cell RNA sequencing of murine intestinal epithelial organoids treated ...
Murine intestinal epithelial organoids isolated from non-treated and treated condition with Nrg1+Spp1 for four days, and processed for single cell RNA sequencing. -
Replication Data for: "Flexible graphene-based neurotechnology for high-preci...
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a neuroelectronic therapy for the treatment of a broad range of neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease. Current DBS technologies...