Bibliometric Analysis Dataset - Impact of AI in the banking industry
The data collected in this dataset is the source of a bibliometric analysis that assesses the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the banking sector and further research in... -
Replication Data for: A strontium quantum-gas microscope
This dataset presents data obtained from detecting fluorescence of single atoms trapped in a two-dimensional deep optical lattice. The data was obtained by measuring scattered... -
Replication data for: Continuous high-purity bioelectrochemical nitrogen reco...
The dataset is an excel sheet that contains all the data needed to create the figures shown in the study. Data is collected in different pages name and description as follows:... -
Final data on the characterization of virulence factors and the immune response in patients with bronchiectasis through molecular and immunoenzymatic techniques. -
Datos sobre las capacidades biofertilizantes y bioestimulantes de microalgas ...
Los datos se han generado a partir de los experimentos llevados a cabo en el marco de proyecto PID2020-113866RA-I00 (CYRCLE) Se refieren a: 1. Ensayos de composición química... -
Replication Data for: "Impact of semen cryopreservation season on in vitro em...
Raw data of research article "Impact of semen cryopreservation season on in vitro embryo production of prepubertal goat oocytes". This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the... -
Ceramics from the cloister of Tarragona Cathedral
[ENG] Database of ceramic material from strata D, E, F and indeterminate, located in the excavation of José Sánchez Real in the garden of the Cloister of the Cathedral of... -
Menciones web de universidades españolas (competencia digital crítica, prácti...
Menciones web de universidades españolas de los conceptos "competencia digital crítica", "práctica educativa abierta" y "agencia para el aprendizaje". Corresponde a la T1.2... -
Replication Data for: Estimation of seasonal methane fluxes over a Mediterran...
Datasets of: -Methane and Radon concentration at DEC3 station -Meteorological fields (WRF) modelled at the station -Rn concentration modelled at the station -
Replication Data for: AO_PW_INTEGROIL - Produced water treatment by advanced ...
Resultats de l'aplicació dels processos Fenton, fotoFenton, fotocatàlisis, ozò i ozò/H2O2 a aigües d'extracció de petroli. -
Replication Data for "Room-temperature solid-state nitrogen-based magneto-ion...
This dataset includes the original data used to draft the manuscript for the publication "Room-Temperature Solid-State Nitrogen-Based Magneto-Ionics in CoxMn1−xN Films" (DOI:... -
Urban environment during pregnancy and childhood and white matter microstruct...
The ATHLETE project aim to better understand and prevent health effects of numerous environmental hazards and their mixtures, starting from the earliest stages of life. -
Replication Data for "Impact of Hydrocarbon Extraction on Heavy Metal Concent...
En la Amazonía Peruana se han desarrollado prácticas de extracción de petróleo desde la década de 1920, lo que ha provocado una graves contaminación ambiental debido a los... -
Replication Data for: OTS Panel: A cohort study to explore the relationship b...
It is widely recognized that work significantly impacts the well-being of workers. This dataset comprises data on work organization and workers' health enabling the exploration... -
El éxito y el empoderamiento de jóvenes que cursaron Formación Profesional: t...
El conjunto de datos contiene las transcripciones de entrevistas, focus group y líneas de tiempo de información proporcionada por siete jóvenes (seis mujeres y un hombre) que... -
Replication Data for: Identifying a knapping signature for Lower Palaeolithic...
Dataset with the material of 11 experiments related with the creation of spheroid lithic objects. -
Replication data for: "Enhancing reporting through structure: a before and af...
This contains 3 datasets: 1) The study protocol approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CER) of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Code: FIS-2022-11). 2) The outcome... -
SCC-DFTB/MD simulation: guanine-TiO2 adsorption model
This dataset houses simulation data for “SCC-DFTB/MD simulation: guanine-TiO2 adsorption model.” This set of simulations is a continuation of the set used in the related... -
Replication Data for: Effect of synchronous remote-based interventions on sui...
This dataset comprises the data extracted from the articles incorporated in a systematic review and meta-analysis. For more information, please refer to the study protocol:... -
Resident parasitoid complex of Tuta absoluta (Lepidopera: Gelechiidae) in Nor...
The dataset contains 4 data files. First and second files compiles information about natural parasitism of Tuta absoluta larvae collected during 2017–2020 in commercial tomato...