Nutritional value of hooded barley (cv. Mochona) and triticale (cv. Titania) ...
The aim of this work was to evaluate a new variety of hooded barley (var. Mochona) in small ruminants (Manchega and Lacaune sheep) and to compare with a commercial triticale... -
Spring and autumn phenology of deciduous forest tree species (Fagus sylvatica...
This dataset presents data of spring bud burst, late summer–autumn data of chlorophyll content and leaf coloration/leaf fall for 5 species of temperate deciduous trees, in... -
100 Cuentas de Instagram para aprender chino
En esta hoja de cálculo de Excel se encuentra una base de datos con 100 cuentas de Instagram para aprender chino etiquetadas según diferentes categorías de análisis. Parte de... -
Canis lupus 001
Skeleton of Canis Lupus 001. IPA, 1.0 -
Replication Data for: Does size matter? A proteomics-informed comparison of t...
This dataset includes images related to the publication Does size matter? A proteomics-informed comparison of the effects of polystyrene beads of different sizes on macrophages.... -
Insecticide resistance in Mozambique
A dataset contains phenotypic and genotypic resistance data for the malaria vector, Anopheles funestus s.l. from Central Mozambique. -
Meningioma-SFT-Classifier (Software)
Meningioma-SFT-Classifier is a decision support system is designed to classify 1.5 or 3 T short echo (30-32 ms) single-voxel MR spectra processed with the INTERPRET parameters... -
Results of a mRNA array of the NEFRONA study
This dataset comprise the results of a mRNA array of whole blood from 10 cases and 10 control patients of the NEFRONA study. Cases are patients with progression of... -
ARIS - Laboratory software
ARIS is a laboratory software system for patient management, analysis and laboratory tests. It offers basic functionalities and a simple interface that can be flexibly... -
Encuesta sobre Usos y Percepciones de la IA entre el alumnado del Máster Univ...
El conjunto de datos procede de un cuestionario enviado al alumnado del Máster en Comunicación Corporativa de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (N=322) sobre sus usos y... -
Encuesta sobre Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Agencias de Relaciones P...
El conjunto de datos procede de un cuestionario enviado a agencias de relaciones públicas alrededor de la comunicación de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). Para ello,... -
Replication data for: Indigenous peoples’ health: culturally grounded evidenc...
This dataset derives from the research project "Resilience of Indigenous Peoples Healthcare system", led by Sandrine Gallois, funded by the Beatriu de Pinós Programme and the... -
Replication data for: The future is in the younger generations: Baka children...
This dataset derives from the research project “Resilience of Indigenous Peoples’ Healthcare system”, led by Sandrine Gallois, funded by the Beatriu de Pinós Programme and the... -
Replication Data for: Thermoresponsive Lactate Amide Acrylic Polymers Develop...
This dataset supports a paper publication about the development of a mini-library of lactate amide-based acrylic monomers (LAAs) using commercially avaliable PLA bags as raw... -
Replication data for: "Monitoring of Selected Swine Viral Diseases in Peruvia...
El conjunto de datos tiene como objetivo registrar y analizar información serológica de dos especies de pecaríes (Pecari tajacu y Tayassu pecari) procedentes de dos áreas de la... -
Chemical composition and near-infrared spectra of cow milk
This dataset includes information on 333 cow individual milk samples from Holstein-Friesian, crossbreed and Rendena breeds from 6 commercial multi-breed herds located in the... -
Monthly Estimates of the Natural Rate of Interest
This dataset contains the monthly estimates of the natural interest rate based on the industrial production index or real gross domestic product for the euro area and the United... -
Replication Data for: Mesoporous Ni–Pt nanoparticles on Ni foam by electrodep...
Experimental raw data for "Mesoporous Ni–Pt nanoparticles on Ni foam by electrodeposition: Dual porosity for efficient alkaline hydrogen evolution" METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION... -
Prototipos CVR y tradicional y anexos investigación
Prototipos creados en el desarrollo de la tesis aplicada que versa sobre las posibilidades del montaje en el entorno inmersivo con carácter narrativo. Se incluye una versión de... -
Replication data for: "Effect of grazing deprivation as compared to grazing r...
In the first week of the experiment, hair from the left forelimb was shaved in all ewes. Later, the same surface-hair samples were obtained twice, in Week 5 (W5) , when ewes...