Stockholm BAG -
Doping and temperature dependences of the anomalous strain fluctuations in a ...
One of the long-standing challenges in the Cu-based superconductors is understanding the nontrivial interplay between the high-temperature superconductivity, density waves and... -
New insight into elastic properties and amorphisation of feldspars
Albite (Ab, NaAlSi3O8), anorthite (An, CaAl2Si2O8) and microcline (Mc, KAlSi3O8) are the major feldspar minerals that are abundant in various geological environments. Recently,... -
ITABAG: 3D structures of macromolecules related to human health
The ITABAG includes structural biologists from Universities, the National Research Council and Hospital research centres in Italy. The laboratories take advantage of single... -
Cryo-electron microscopy EPN BAG
At the EPN campus level structural biology work is carried out in all the 4 institutes (IBS, ESRF, ILL and EMBL). Today all structural biology groups are turning to cryo-EM. The... -
Deformation in Ni alloy
Ni alloy 3dxrd -
Understanding the 3D structure of a variety of proteins related to the human health -
Structural Biology of Macromolecules and Macromolecular complexes from India -
Structural studies of proteins and protein complexes involved in regulation, ...
We are a large BAG of research groups with varied interests and technical requirements, from routine rapid collection of diffraction data from well behaved systems for ligand... -
Structure of the human potassium coupled chloride transporter KCC3 -
Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, KCL, UCL Royal Free Block Allocation G...
This BAG coordinates activities of groups from the South-West of the UK. The focus is on projects in Immunology, transcriptional regulation, and enzymology. A particular... -
The fifteen PIs associated to this proposal represent the entire crystallography community in Norway and are affiliated to the major Norwegian universities. The research... -
BAG Barcelona is constituted by 9 groups that belong to the Institute of Molecular Biology Barcelona from the Spanish Research Council (IBMB-CSIC), the Institute for Research in... -
ISMB application, Biological Sciences, Birkbeck; Structural and Molecular Biology, School of Pharmacy & NPP, UCL; Biological and Chemical Sc -
Imaging dynamics of plastic relaxation of InGaN films under thermal annealing.
(In,Ga)N alloy is a key material system for applications in optoelectronics and photovoltaics. Despite more than 20 years of research, a remaining central problem is the... -
iNEXT discovery: Structural biology for translational research and discovery
This dataset has no description
BAG Montpellier
The BAG of Montpellier gathers researchers from distinct institutes (CBS, IGF, IRIM and LPHI) affiliated to the INSERM, the CNRS and the university of Montpellier. The CBS is a... -
Structural studies of various proteins in Uppsala and Stockholm -
The crystallography of calcium silicate perovskite to 50 GPa
Like other perovskite minerals, calcium silicate perovskite (capv) undergoes a series of subtle crystallographic phase transitions with temperature (and pressure). These tiny... -
Structural investigation of membrane and water soluble proteins
The portfolio of this BAG includes structural investigation of membrane proteins as well as soluble proteins relevant to various scientific fields. These range from basic...