Macromolecular Crystallography in Bordeaux/Lyon/Toulouse IECB IBGC CBMN / IBC...
The different research teams who are part of this BAG are located in Bordeaux, Lyon and Toulouse. They are mainly working on worldwide health concerns or biotechnological... -
Our BAG is composed of eight PIs at six different institutions in Italy and Austria. We focus on a large variety of human, bacterial, viral and synthetic protein targets and... -
Munich Crystallography BAG
The diverse groups of the Munich Crystallography BAG study a far range of subjects, reaching from structural aspects of fundamental cellular processes - such as RNA processing,... -
The structural basis of alternative pathway initiation
The alternative complement pathway (AP) is a crucial part of the human innate immune system and is in first line of defence against invading pathogens. The AP is solicited by... -
The IBS BAG includes in this proposal IBS teams and external groups from iRTSV/CEA (Grenoble), CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We study... -
Inhouse research
Foldase or chaperone role of ciclophyllin A in the interaction with TDP-43. SAXS studies of lipid/DNA lipoplexes. -
Macromolecular Crystallography at South-East Andalusia -
Exploring the magnetic phase diagram of ferrimagnetic rare-earth iron garnets
Rare-earth iron garnets (RIGs), R3Fe5O12 (with R= Y, Tm, Er…) are of high interest in many research fields such as spintronics (small damping parameters, chiral spin textures…),... -
Structural Biology of Macromolecules and Macromolecular complexes from India
Structural biology research groups located in India constitute the INDIA-BAG and will utilize MX, SAXS and CryoEM to study different biological macromolecules. Together, these... -
Fast scanning test experiments on pig heart slices
Fast scanning micro SAXS test experiments on pig heart slices -
phase contrast tomography experiment at 17 keV on Fe/Ti alloys and powders of Na2MnFe(CN)6 and SnFe(CN)6 -
Hercules Tutorial
Hercules tutorial on scanning XRDCT -
FInnish National Protein Crystallography Consortium
The Finnish BAG encompasses 24 groups active in crystallography in Finland. The projects vary widely and include membrane proteins and protein complexes, other proteins involved... -
Post Mortem and insitu battery tomography
This is the continuation of the MI-1354 experiment to complete our data set with post mortem tomography and some functional charge/discharge scans. -
The IBS BAG includes in this proposal IBS teams and external groups from CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We study structure-function... -
ITABAG: 3D structures of macromolecules related to human health
The ITABAG includes structural biologists from Universities, National Research Council and Hospital research centres in Italy. The laboratories apply various diffraction methods... -
Foldase or chaperone role of ciclophyllin A in the interaction with TDP-43
TDP-43 is a protein that regulates many aspects of RNA processing. In an abnormal phosphorylated state TDP-43 has been linked to the onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.... -
Structural origins of barocaloric properties in hybrid plastic crystals
Plastic crystals (PCs) are promising materials with piezo-, ferroelectric, magnetic- and barocaloric properties. Recent discoveries of colossal barocaloric effects suggest they... -
Study of molecular mechanisms of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis repressor by Cr...
During our screens for finding new small molecules with anti-TB capacity, we identified a gene controlling the expression of a putative efflux pump in Mycobacterium... -
Decomposing the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility signal of Oman serp...
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