Calcium sp3-orthocarbonate Ca3CO5
In previous high-pressure experiments, the emergence of sp3-hybridized tetrahedral carbonate anions was shown for CaCO3 above 100 GPa by Raman spectroscopy. Recent ab initio... -
The proposal is a continuation of the MX-2367 proposal : CryoEM-BAG France: S...
This proposal gathers Principal investigators from French Institutions that use cryo-EM to unravel the molecular mechanisms associated with various biological processes.... -
Deciphering complex mineral paragenesis at clay-concrete interface with nanofocus beam synchrotron XRD tomography -
Advanced Design Guidelines for Ceramic Based Solid State Energy Storage Systems
The proposed LTP shall enable us to link tightly high-resolution 3D imaging at ID16B with processing to establish more enhanced all solid-state batteries (ASSB). In particular... -
Structure of the apo 5-HT3 receptor reconstituted in nanodics -
Light-induced halide ion segregation in hybride perovskites
We will use X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy to reveal the reversible dynamics of the light-soaking domains in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. These domains appear... -
Feasibility tests for DCT and PCT in Ni718 superalloy
A new batch of samples with different grain sizes (20 - 100 µm) and different precipitation states has been delivered for the upcoming InnovXN project. We will assess the... -
Austrian Crystallographic Diffraction Consortium
This proposed Austrian Crystallographic.... TO BE FILLED IN -
FInnish National Protein Crystallography Consortium
The Finnish BAG encompasses 25 groups active in crystallography in Finland. The projects vary widely and include membrane proteins such as membrane pyrophosphatases, and various... -
Investigation on the crystallization kinetics of amorphous Ta2O5 thin films f...
Current interferometric gravitational wave detectors (VIRGO, LIGO) rely critically on the use of ultra–stable Fabry–Perot cavities. In these systems, a fundamental limit to the... -
Structural origin of dynamical arrest in gels and glasses
Colloidal dispersions enter in an arrested state when a certain concentration is reached and depending on inter-particle interactions a gel or glass is formed. Recent results... -
Fast scanning SAXS of living biological cells
We have recently employed hard X-ray scanning SAXS in a special fast scanning mode at ID13 to image hundreds of freeze-dried biological cells in a single scan, and have then... -
ITABAG: 3D structures of macromolecules related to human health
The ITABAG includes structural biologists from Universities, National Research Council and Hospital research centres in Italy. The laboratories apply various diffraction methods... -
Structural studies of proteins and protein complexes involved in regulation, ...
Our BAG is focussed around a large group of experimenters who work on a diverse range of biological and physical problems. Whilst this makes it difficult to write an overall... -
The SAXS-SANS platform within the Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB)
This proposal seeks time on BM29 to allow joint SAXS and SANS measurements to be carried out as part of the PSB SAXS/SANS platform. The BAG will service this user platform by... -
Cambridge MRC Block allocation -
Continuation of LS2780, radiography of photoreceptor movement in fruit fly eyes -
Unveiling the structural arrangement of the multidomain flavodiiron protein f...
SOS CryoEM Understand how pathogenic bacteria suppress the defense barriers imposed by the immune system in humans is of major relevance. Thus it is urgent to study the... -
Paris Rive-Gauche BAG