In situ XAS and VtC-XES Studies of Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation Mechanism...
In situ XAS and VtC-XES experiments will be performed under electrocatalytic conditions for a dimeric copper-pyalc complex to unravel the mechanistic pathways of the Cu-complex... -
Powder diffraction on wet polycrystallines samples
Standard powder diffraction + relative humidity regulator on loan from ID29 -
Phase contrast imaging of saline spray ice
The microstructure of saline ice consists of three phases: water ice, air and brine inclusions. The brine inclusions are central for understanding the physical properties of the... -
Macromolecular Crystallography in Lyon/Toulouse/Bordeaux IBCP-MMSB / IPBS / IECB IBGC CBMN -
Local Interstitial Oxygen Mapping of Disordered Superconducting Niobium
The aim of this proposal is to locally map the interstitial oxygen concentration, using diffuse scattering, of individual grains and grain boundaries of niobium. Samples,... -
Cambridge MRC Block allocation -
2D Shock focusing
We propose to apply a laser-driven 2D in-plane shock focusing technique developed by our group, that can reach ten’s of GPa with conventional mJ lasers, to scrutiny from... -
microXANES and microXRF investigation of the Fe-Si relationships in tissue of subjects affected and non affected by silicosis -
hercules practical, fluorescence and phase contrast tomography measurements in cryo-stage. -
Macromolecular crystallography at the Philipps University Marburg (MarBAG)
Located at the Philipps-University-Marburg and the Max-Planck-Institute for terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg, Germany, the MarBAG employs X-ray crystallography to answer... -
Wavelength monitor alignment and tests
The new installation in OH2 includes an inline wavelength monitor. Data will be collected at a few different energies and monochromator settings to validate this device. -
In situ mapping of crack progression in nanocrystalline FeCr: nanoscale stres...
Although nanocrystalline materials do exhibit outstanding mechanical properties, the underlying correlation between their nanoscopic microstructure with a large volume fraction... -
High temperature sintering evolution of site-specific lunar regolith simulants
The autonomous construction of shelters using in-situ resources, such as via additive manufacturing (3D printing) of regolith feedstock, is a necessary prerequisite and priority... -
Photoelectrochemical activity of novel Cu-macrocyclic water oxidation catalys...
Cu-macrocyclic molecular catalysts exhibit very promising properties when anchored on inorganic semiconductor photocatalysts, e.g. WO3/BiVO4, by enhancing oxygen evolution... -
Heidelberg BAG (HeidelBAG)
The HeidelBAG unifies structural efforts of the EMBL, the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH), and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Central to all projects... -
Structural studies on large multidomain RNA assembly
Large RNAs fold into complex structures, with important functional implications. By studying the multi-domain assembly of a large ribozyme, our work sheds light onto the... -
studying the cellulosic materials by scanning xray microdiffraction
studying the cellulosic materials by scanning xray microdiffraction -
BAG Montpellier -
Structural and elastic study of high-pressure alkali carbonates and their rel...
The proposal concerns the study of high-pressure phase transformations and elastic and structural behaviour of alkali-carbonates in the system Ca-Na-K-REE-C-O at Earth’s mantle... -
CT of Papyrus reproduction
CT of Papyrus reproduction