Local structure and long term stability of Dy4.67(SiO4)3O barrier coating
Rare earth silicate compounds have a high potential for application in environmental thermal barrier coating, as laser diodes and x- and gamma rays scintillators, owing to their... -
Advanced Photon Source, Sector 21 - The Life Sciences Collaborative Access Te...
The Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team (LS-CAT) provides Macromolecular Crystallography support to our CAT members from seven Universities in the USA, including... -
Structural Characterization of Consensus TetratricoPeptide Repeat (CTPR) Prot...
Ultra-small protein single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) offer promising potential for biomedical applications. Building on advances in synthetic polymer chain collapse through... -
Superstructures of the multiorbital magnet CuCr2S4
Competing valence distributions across the interpenetrating sublattices of thiospinel materials have long been subject to debate. While many such compounds, like CuCr2S4, are... -
Circadian regulation of synaptic output at a central oscillator network acros...
Animals adapt their behaviour across the day producing circadian rhythms. The physiological basis behind these rhythms have been extensively characterized in the fruit fly,... -
Characterization of the thermodynamic stability and mechanical properties of ...
Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations predicted the existence of a plastic phase of Ice VII more than a decade ago, however its experimental observation has remained elusive.... -
Southern Germany cryo-EM BAG: Structural analysis of protein machineries usin...
Cryogenic single-particle electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) has become the method of choice for determining the structures of large macromolecular complexes and membrane proteins –... -
Unlocking Salty Secrets: Cellular Ion Profiling of Rice
Climate change-induced lower and irregular rainfall, along with high evapotranspiration rates, contribute to soil salinization. This leads to reduced plant growth and yield... -
Nanostructure of a strain-induced charge-density wave in a 2D quantum material
In this experiment, we will study a strained-induced orientational transition of a charge-density-wave (CDW) that we recently evidenced in TbTe3, a nearly-tetragonal 2D van der... -
Partial crystallization in silicates and Fe alloys: Cooling down a planet
Crystallization is a critical process in Earth-like planetary evolution. In the early stage of planetary formation, differentiation between metallic core and silicate mantle... -
Development of a laser-driven dynamic compression platform on ID09 to perform...
This LTP aims at setting a laser-driven dynamic compression platform on ID09 in order to perform ps time resolved X-ray diffraction pump probe experiments at high pressure. A 5J... -
Unconventional current-driven magnetization reversal detected by resonant x-r...
This experiment will continue our recent successful experiments on XMaS, aiming to clarify the novel current-driven magnetization switching which we have recently observed in... -
Investigation of intracellular speciation of a series organometallic hemilabi...
Chelating carbene-pyridine based organogold(III) complexes of general formula [(C^C)Au(C^N)]+ present antiproliferative activities from the low micromolar to the submicromolar... -
Chiral magnons in the metallic altermagnet CrSb
CrSb has been identified as a prominent candidate for observing altermagnetic (AM) chiral-split magnon spectra. AMs are novel spintronic platforms due to their strong time... -
High-throughput time-resolved room-temperature serial crystallography on biom...
We aim to perform high-throughput (HT) dynamic structural studies on biomedically relevant proteins enabled by our technology development for time-resolved serial... -
The Israeli BAG
This Summary will only portray a very limited scope of the BAG proposal due to its size and more information will be available in the Global Summary. We plan establish a... -
RIXS characterization of sub-stoichiometric tungsten oxide films for transpar...
We propose employing RIXS characterization to qualify the electronic structure of sub-stoichiometric WO3-x thin films, in view of applications such as transparent electric... -
Evaluating the redox evolution of fluids in water-rich asteroids
CM-group carbonaceous chondrite meteorites are currently the best match for delivering water and organic materials to the terrestrial planets. However, they have been severely... -
Dynamical processes in out-of-equilibrium materials at extreme conditions
The principle aim of this project is to perform new ground breaking experiments in glass formers at extreme conditions and in a previously unexplored dynamical range by using... -
s3DXRD scans of a phantom sample, and feasibility test for twinning mechanism...
During the weekend we will measure a phantom sample ("R" or "P" shape to unambiguously determine co-ordinate systems). The AZ91 (magnesium alloy) test samples are a feasibility...