Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 77 år


ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were invited. Of these, 82% (2322 men) participated in the investigation. The men were thereafter investigated again at ages 60, 70, 77, 82, 88 and 93 years. In the 93 years investigation, which was completed in spring 2015, even spouses to the men from original cohort have participated. ULSAM is focused on several areas with a wide range of phenotypes collected. These areas include glucose and insulin metabolism, blood pressure, anthropometry, lipids and fatty acid composition, diet, cognitive function, socio-economic factors, heredity, medical history, and common risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In the latest investigation we are particularly focusing on the factors leading to healthy ageing. The longitudinal design of the study contributes to the collection of the same (or similar) phenotypes at several points in time. The loss of follow up end points is very low due to yearly matching with official cause-of-death and hospital discharge registries. Very important research area in ULSAM is analysis of genetic factors affecting common diseases. We have DNA samples available from more than 1200 men. Using modern genotyping technologies, these samples have been analyzed for over 2.5 million SNPs. We are also planning to perform whole genome sequencing for all individuals with DNA samples available. Large number of researchers are using ULSAM data in their studies. ULSAM is involved in several international collaborations as well. Over 300 articles have been published from ULSAM initiation in 1970 and at least 30 doctoral theses explored data collected in our study. Purpose: The aim of Uppsala Study of Adult Men (ULSAM) is to investigate the risk factors for common diseases, including biochemical markers, variations in the genome and life style factors.

ULSAM, The Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men är en pågående longitudinell, epidemiologisk studie. Studiepopulationen består av samtliga män födda i Uppsala län mellan 1920 och 1924. Bakgrunden till ULSAM var Uppsala primärpreventiva studie som genomfördes mellan 1970 och 1973. Deltagarna identifierades genom befolkningsregister. I den första undersökningen var deltagandet 82% (2322 män). Undersökningsprogrammet innehöll en medicinsk enkät och intervju, blod-och urinprov, blodtryck, antropometriska mått, intravenöst glukostoleranstest, bröstkorgsröntgen och audiometri. Uppföljande undersökningar har därefter skett när deltagarna var 60, 70, 77, 82, 88 och 93 år gamla. Utförligare sammanfattning finns tillgänglig på engelska. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka riskfaktorer för vanliga sjukdomar, däribland biokemiska markörer, variationer i arvsmassan och livsstilsfaktorer.

Total universe/Complete enumeration

Hela populationen/total räkning

Measurements and tests

Mätningar och tester

Self-administered questionnaire: paper

Självadministrerat frågeformulär: papper

Face-to-face interview

Personlig intervju

Focus group: face-to-face

Fokusgrupp: traditionell

Participant laboratory observation

Deltagande laboratorieobservation

Psychological measurements and tests

Psykologiska mätningar och tester

Telephone interview


Laboratory observation


DOI https://doi.org/
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=92aee073b207b0c5edb4e2338e418800f4beb3c3fbba5d347904aafee28064d3
Creator Lannfelt, Lars
Publisher Swedish National Data Service; Svensk nationell datatjänst
Publication Year 2015
Rights Access to data through an external actor. Access to data is restricted.; Åtkomst till data via extern aktör. Tillgång till data är begränsad.
OpenAccess false
Contact https://snd.gu.se
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Biology; Computer Science; Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Information Science; Life Sciences; Mathematics; Medicine; Medicine and Health; Natural Sciences; Physiology; Psychology; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Sweden; Sverige