Four Thesaurus Brand Personality Dictionaries
This study presents a new BP dictionary that aiding in including most of the items that may be of prominent relevancy to various studies and still within the five personality... -
Supplemental Data of: Endogenous temporal attention emerges in the second yea...
Dades obtingudes en assajos on es presenta una pista audiovisual associada a un esdeveniment futur ('target') que apareix a la dreta o a l'esquerra de la pantalla, després d'un... -
Perceptions of mental control and mental effort
Data from a study on perception of mental control and mental effort. The dataset sorts participants into the condition they were in (syntactic, semantic, or control, across the... -
Initial Sample of Emotional Bodily Expressions for the NAO Robot
To investigate human-robot interaction with the NAO robot using emotional body language, we used this sample of photographed expressions to validate bodily expressions... -
Reading the riots: interviews with people involved in the London riots 2011
This data archive contains 224 transcripts of participant testimonies of a sample of people involved in the disturbances referred to as the August 2011 English riots. The Beyond... -
Processing Multi-Constituent Units in Chinese Reading: An Eye Movement Invest...
We conducted a series of eye movement experiments in order to empirically examine our MCU hypothesis. We tested whether frequently occurring two-character phrases,... -
Virtual Reality Experiment to Study the Role of Social Conformity in the Acce...
The Veronica project data includes two parts: taxi passenger choice data and pedestrian crossing data. This part primarily involves taxi passenger choice data. The key... -
Exploring if Partial and Distributed Tests Enhance New Learning, 2020-2024
The study explores the impact of partial testing on learning processes. The research aims to understand whether taking tests on a portion of the material can improve the... -
Semi-Structured Interviews With Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Young Individ...
This study was conducted as a part of MS's PhD project investigating the experience of romantic relationships and sexuality education in neurodivergent and neurotypical young... -
Healthcare Professionals’ Experiences of Caring for Women With False-Positive...
The 20 data files in this deposit report the detailed procedure of conducting the (template) analysis of qualitative interview data, while protecting the highly identifiable... -
Public Perceptions of Heat Decarbonisation in Great Britain: Awareness, Value...
The decarbonisation of domestic heating is essential for the UK to achieve net zero carbon emissions, but requires significant changes in domestic infrastructure. Public... -
Evaluating Multisensory Stimuli as a Mechanism to Boost Cognition and Wellbei...
With advancing healthcare and increased standards of living, the proportion of older adults in society is now higher than ever and is set to rise further over the coming... -
Net Zero Policy Support Survey, 2023
The Net Zero Policy Support Survey was designed to measure public support for different types of net zero policies (taxes, subsidies, regulatory restrictions and regulatory... -
Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations: Car-Free Living Trials,...
The Going Car Free project, coordinated by climate action charity Possible, follows individuals as they hang up the keys to their cars for three weeks. Possible are funded... -
Effective Teaching Practices by Teaching Assistants To Support the Education ...
Internationally, teaching assistants (TA) support children with special needs and/or disabilities in completing classroom tasks while teachers manage whole-class instruction.... -
Role of Familiarity and Experience in the Implementation of Efficient Visual ...
The data collected as part of this grant represents the search strategies, biases and habits of a large number of participants searching under a range of different conditions.... -
Psychosocial support for promoting mental health and wellbeing among adolesce...
Raziskovalni projekt “ Psihološka podpora za spodbujanje duševnega zdravja in dobrega počutja med mladimi oskrbovalci v Evropi” (ME-WE), ki ga je financirala Evropska unija... -
Psihološki profil pandemije COVID-19 v Srbiji, 2020
Hiter odziv prebivalstva in upoštevanje preventivnih ukrepov sta dva od najučinkovitejših načinov omejevanja širjenja okužb v zgodnjih fazah epidemije. Raziskava govori o tem,... -
Synnytys- ja raskauskertomukset 2001-2007
Aineistossa on yhdistetty kaksi aineistoa: Riikka Homasen keräämät kirjoitukset raskaudesta ja synnytyksestä (aineisto A) ja Anna Kaartamo-Virran keräämät synnytyksen jälkeistä... -
Lapsesta aikuiseksi: 50-vuotiaiden elämäntilannekysely 2009
Kysely on osa Lapsesta aikuiseksi -tutkimusta, joka on jatkunut samojen henkilöiden seurantana yli 40 vuotta. Tämän viimeksi toteutetun tutkimusvaiheen tarkoitus on kuvata...