Urbanisation et innovations technologiques, enquête auprès des habitants du b...
This research project aims to better understand the links between the process of innovation, industrial development, urbanization and Higher Education. It focuses on the... -
Surface Groups Djibouti 1984-2021
This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic... -
MOSAiCH COVID-19. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerl...
The first wave of this COVID-19 survey was fielded as part of the 2020 MOSAiCH survey. MOSAiCH is a yearly cross-sectional survey that focuses on the Swiss population’s values... -
Surface Groups Ukraine 1984-2021
This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic... -
Vox 58 - Votation du 10.03.1996
Nachbefragung von Stimmberechtigten; kontinuierliches Erforschen des Abstimmungsverhaltens; theoretische Bezüge: soziologischer und sozialpsychologischer Ansatz. Wesentliche... -
Befragung der Wählerinnen und Wähler nach den Wahlen - 2003
Selects 2003 was financed by the Federal Chancellery, the Swiss Academy for the Human and Social Sciences SAGW, and the Swiss National Science Foundation. Post-election Survey... -
Befragung von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 20 Jahren in den Kantonen Bern, Aa...
Building and changing one's identity is a central task of all people. This task becomes particularly relevant in adolescence. Young people want to know who they are, what they... -
Surface Groups Norway 1984-2020
This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic... -
VOTO 7: Swiss Popular Vote 10.06.2018
Su mandato della Cancelleria federale, il progetto di ricerca VOTO analizza dopo ogni votazione federale cosa motiva le decisioni dei cittadini svizzeri. A tale scopo, VOTO... -
Panelstudie zum Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher in der Stadt Freiburg, 1., 2. Vo...
Das unter der Referenznummer 5368 archivierte Projekt (Daten zur 2. Vormessung sowie zur Nachmessung) wurde durch Daten aus dem Projekt (Referenznummer) 1682 (1. Vormessung)... -
Befragung von Journalistinnen und Journalisten aus dem Bereich der Inlands- u...
The Swiss media are always interested in foreign countries, but little in their own foreign policy, which has not really existed up to now. The attempts of various post-war... -
Gender Publication Gap
Based on extensive empirical research we find that women do not behave differently concerning academic publications than often suggested in the literature. Once an economics... -
VOTO 3: Swiss Popular Vote 12.02.2017
Su mandato della Cancelleria federale, il progetto di ricerca VOTO analizza dopo ogni votazione federale cosa motiva le decisioni dei cittadini svizzeri. A tale scopo, VOTO... -
Vox 49 - Votation du 06.06.1993
Nachbefragung von Stimmberechtigten; kontinuierliches Erforschen des Abstimmungsverhaltens; theoretische Bezüge: soziologischer und sozialpsychologischer Ansatz. Wesentliche... -
Macro time series and monetary policy decisions for Norway (1990-2018)
Monetary policy is generally regarded as a central element in the attempts of policy makers to attenuate business-cycle fluctuations. According to the New Keynesian paradigm,... -
Risikoverhalten: Schriftliche Befragung von Jugendlichen an deutschsprachigen...
Das Forschungsprojekt hatte zum Ziel, Determinanten des Risikoverhaltens zu untersuchen. Im Blickpunkt standen Verhaltensweisen, mit denen Personen ihre Gesundheit aufs Spiel... -
Enquête auprès des écoles avec des élèves de 9ème année en Suisse - 2009
Every three years since 2000, the skills of 15-year-olds and Grade 9 students in reading, mathematics and science are assessed in about 50 countries. This long-term study,... -
International colour-emotion survey data from Lithuania (LT)
In 2015, we launched the data collection on our international colour-emotion association survey. The data is collected online... -
Pink Cross Survey: Community perceptions and relationships amongst gay, bi an...
The survey was carried out by the ZHAW, Department of Social Work (project manager: Peter Streckeisen), as a mandate by the Pink Cross Association. The latter is the largest... -
Berufliche Entscheidungen und Entwicklungsverläufe im Jugendalter und jungen ...
The aim of the following research project is to analyze the determinants of adolescents’ and young adults’ career decisions. At the end of compulsory school and at the end of...