Viral metagenomic data of crop and wild plant/weed species in horticultural contexts: analysis of viral diversity, prevalence and stability over a two-year period


Using purified double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) and high-throughput sequencing (HTS) on a 454 pyrosequencing platform, we analyzed the metavirome associated with crops and surrounding weeds/wild plants in horticultural contexts in southwestern France. A total of 165 libraries were prepared and sequences. One additional file provides the samples identity and metadata.

Metadata Access
Creator Ma, Yuxin; Marais, Armelle; Theil, Sebastien; Lefebvre, Marie; Svanella-Dumas, Laurence; Faure, Chantal; Bergey, Bernard; Candresse, Thierry
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Candresse, Thierry
Publication Year 2019
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Candresse, Thierry (INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; application/gzip
Size 15482; 129138; 124769; 322417; 51635; 7255; 71355; 69813; 67598; 73143; 49031; 68318; 27422; 10598; 37488; 14328; 175816; 144818; 96001; 68649; 12585; 32842; 79127; 59569; 58985; 58554; 6335; 64581; 9841; 23201; 197667; 197400; 73230; 26622; 181120; 44175; 96220; 11782; 17333; 53151; 75045; 136202; 125441; 32620; 94624; 150314; 207375; 93860; 171150; 246987; 150277; 601948; 98904; 202279; 412078; 146215; 337050; 300610; 107658; 445389; 293296; 255261; 143354; 232928; 426930; 648349; 270015; 246618; 57923; 104735; 41516; 162909; 115759; 103268; 75985; 31635; 197715; 255144; 127883; 365257; 178526; 432101; 44141; 14002; 294317; 1502657; 99259; 56033; 136333; 90770; 27416; 52649; 161227; 138480; 280875; 48663; 44726; 133308; 16150; 25245; 106307; 47462; 65177; 100690; 11904; 26979; 67332; 441405; 22592; 31623; 1618503; 52620; 27958; 107881; 113003; 337306; 138680; 44790; 182250; 151244; 477376; 190054; 460784; 84399; 43539; 55854; 277792; 66892; 55546; 79568; 23298; 119014; 154014; 196957; 94272; 43109; 124065; 297230; 197215; 153779; 53817; 123025; 25675; 137117; 37140; 69938; 148411; 14973; 40926; 17034; 42365; 74727; 136032; 8092; 46395; 8572; 2532; 204024; 70559; 401917; 41465; 427105; 348539; 125743; 600342; 64831
Version 1.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Biology; Omics; Plant Science