Replication Data for: Populations of the Beet Cyst Nematode Heterodera schach...
It is widely accepted that climate has an essential influence on the distribution of species and that temperature is the major abiotic factor that affects their life-history... -
Transposable element annotation of Botrytis cinerea B05.10
The TEdenovo was launched on Botrytis cinerea strain B05.10 whole genome (18 chromosomes, NCBI bioProject PRJNA264284, assembly ASM83294v1). The TE Consensus library from the... -
Genome assembly and annotation of Plasmopara muralis, the downy mildew pathog...
This dataset includes the assembly and annotation of the Plasmopara muralis genome (INRA-PM001 isolate). Plasmopara muralis is the causal agent of downy mildew on Parthenocissus... -
Phenotypic trait dataset of Pinus pinea from five common gardens of the INRAE...
Données sur les traits phénotypiques de Pinus pinea mesurés dans les jardins communs du réseau INRAE de génétique forestière pour la recherche et l'expérimentation (GEN4X). Ce... -
Sporangia size and number relationship for Phytophthora infestans isolates
Phenotypic data (sporangia size and sporangia number) of P. infestans isolates obtained in three infection experiments conducted under controlled conditions. -
FRIM - Fruit Integrative Modelling
The project aimed to build a virtual tomato fruit that enables the prediction of metabolite levels given genetic and environmental inputs, by an iterative process between... -
DNA metabarcoding of a mock community of 189 fungal strains associated to pla...
This sequence dataset (FASTQ format) was obtained by metabarcoding an artificial (mock) fungal community. The ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) was amplified... -
Thésaurus INRAE
Open and shared thesaurus covering INRAE's research fields. It serves as a repository within the institute to index and annotate documents, web pages, activity descriptions and... -
Plant Bioinformatics Facility (PlantBioinfoPF) data management plan
Data management plan of the Plant Bioinformatics Facility (PlantBioinfoPF), hosted at URGI. Copyrights: The creator(s) of this plan accept(s) that all or part of the text may be... -
An easy and robust method for isolation and validation of single nucleotide p...
This dataset includes the sequence and SNP data, and the scripts for detecting SNP from targeted sequences isolated from the Erysipe alphitoides draft genome. The draft genome... -
Raw data - resistance Robijn - multiinfections
Experimental data on resistance to late blight in potato cv Robijn under multiinfections -
Data and code for the article "Bayesian inference for spatio-temporal stochas...
Data and codes for reproducing the MCMC inferences, tables and the main figures described in Kwame Adrakey et al. 2023. Bayesian inference for spatio-temporal stochastic... -
Global statistics of the orthofinder analysis
General statistics of the orhofinder analysis on the 63 species (including 61 nematodes). Number of orthogroups, of genes in orthogroups etc... -
Orthofinder results: raw and annotated orthogroups and list of unassigned pro...
Raw and annotated Orthofinder results on 61 nematode and 2 tardigrade (used as outgroup) species. The annotated list of species with description of the abbreviated names is... -
M. incognita protein-coding genes expression patterns
M. incognita protein-coding genes expression values across 4 life stages in triplicates. Life stages are as follows: - W: eggs - J2: pre-parasitic infective juveniles - J3:... -
Viral metagenomic and fungal ITS metabarcoding data from complex pools of pla...
Using cross-disciplinary approaches to characterize the plant core microbiome, we assessed the diversity and composition of leaf-associated fungal and viral communities from... -
Oak Genome Sequencing Website
The oak genome sequencing website, concerning the sequencing of the oak genome and identification of genes important for the adaptation of forest trees, is a permanent resource... -
Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) table obtained by metabarcoding foliar fungal...
This Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) table was obtained by metabarcoding foliar fungal communities in conventional and organic vineyards. This table was generated after the... -
Bioinformatic scripts used to analyze fungal metabarcoding data obtained from...
Bioinformatic scripts used to sort, filter and analyze fungal raw sequence data obtained by metabarcoding foliar, bark and ground cover samples collected in an untreated... -
PPN-specific candidate effectors expressed in endophytic phases of M. incogni...
Annotated list of M. incognita candidate effector proteins that fulfil these criteria: - the proteins are PPN-specific according to orhtofinder and return no significant hit...