Replication data for: "Gene Regulatory Network Inference Methodology for Geno...
Replication data for: "Gene regulatory network inference methodology for genomic and transcriptomic data acquired in genetically related heterozygote individuals": 100 simulated... -
FirmiData: Annotation of ICEs and IMEs in 40 Firmicutes genomes
Manually curated reference annotation of Integrative Conjugative Elements (ICEs) and Integrative and Mobilizable Elements (IMEs) and other degenerated ICEs and IMEs in 40... -
Transposable element annotation of Botrytis cinerea B05.10
The TEdenovo was launched on Botrytis cinerea strain B05.10 whole genome (18 chromosomes, NCBI bioProject PRJNA264284, assembly ASM83294v1). The TE Consensus library from the... -
Genome assembly and annotation of Plasmopara muralis, the downy mildew pathog...
This dataset includes the assembly and annotation of the Plasmopara muralis genome (INRA-PM001 isolate). Plasmopara muralis is the causal agent of downy mildew on Parthenocissus... -
Data associated to the paper "A genomic map of climate adaptation in Mediterr...
This dataset consists of genotypes of 640 animals for 39921 variants (SNPs). Animals belong to 21 Mediterranean cattle populations. The compressed archive contains two files (in... -
Cross-reference table for Botrytis cinerea B0510 and T4 gene ids
Botrytis cinerea, the grey mould fungus, is a plant pathogen with a necrotrophic lifestyle causing serious pre- and post-harvest diseases on a variety of plant species... -
Rsyst::diatom_rbcl_align_312bp database: a database adapted to DNA metabarcod...
Method followed to obtain the Rsyst::diatom_rbcl_align_312bp database: 1/ Extraction of the 312bp rbcL barcode from the full Rsyst::diatom database rbcL alignment (using... -
Bovine embryo gene profiles
Gene Set Enrichment Analyses (GSEA) and Differentially Expressed Genes (DEG) defining the molecular profiles of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro -
1D 1H-NMR profiling of wheat samples
NMR metabolomic profiling of wheat samples recorded on three sites (JEOL400, Bruker 500 and Bruker 600 MHz) - To be used with NMRProcFlow (https://nmrprocflow.org) NMRProcFlow,... -
FRIM - Fruit Integrative Modelling
The project aimed to build a virtual tomato fruit that enables the prediction of metabolite levels given genetic and environmental inputs, by an iterative process between... -
DNA metabarcoding of a mock community of 189 fungal strains associated to pla...
This sequence dataset (FASTQ format) was obtained by metabarcoding an artificial (mock) fungal community. The ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) was amplified... -
Bioindication diatomées : comparaison microscopie / barcoding ADN. Pipeline M...
Le pipeline sélectionné pour produire les listes floristiques utilisées pour calculer les IBD des 447 échantillons est donné ci dessous Les données fastq sont disponibles au DOI... -
LC-MS metabolomic analyses of maize young leaf cultivated in a growth chamber
Analyses performed on 18 genetically-diverse hybrids using leaf methanolic extracts. -
Thésaurus INRAE
Open and shared thesaurus covering INRAE's research fields. It serves as a repository within the institute to index and annotate documents, web pages, activity descriptions and... -
Plant Bioinformatics Facility (PlantBioinfoPF) data management plan
Data management plan of the Plant Bioinformatics Facility (PlantBioinfoPF), hosted at URGI. Copyrights: The creator(s) of this plan accept(s) that all or part of the text may be... -
Taxonomic profiles, functional profiles and manually curated metadata of huma...
In the context of the FeMAI project (Federated Microbiome AI for human health), this dataset was created to assess various machine learning classification methods for colorectal... -
Plan de Gestion de Données UMR BIOGECO
Plan de gestion des données de l'UMR INRAE BIOGECO Ce document explicite la manière dont sont obtenues, documentées, analysées, disséminées et archivées les données produites... -
Updated Metagenomic Species Pan-genomes (MSPs) of the human gastrointestinal ...
Dataset overview This dataset provides: the updated Integrated Gene Catalog of the human gut microbiota (aka IGC2) 1,989 Metagenomic Species Pangenomes (MSPs) This dataset... -
Diat.barcode, an open-access barcode library for diatoms
Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) are ubiquitous microalgae which produce a siliceous exoskeleton and which make a major contribution to the productivity of oceans and freshwaters. They... -
Supplemental dataset used for transcriptomic analysis of HrpG* regulon in 17 ...
This dataset includes generated genome annotation for the 17 strains as Data S1, and comparative statistics and orthogroup analyses for these genomes, performed using...