Whi5-GFP intensity as a function of time for the same FOVs. Only small daughter cells in the asynchronous population at time point 0 were quantified as a function of time.
The folder 'Image Files' contains raw image files for Whi5-GFP for FOV1,3,4,5 & 6 at each of the 6 time points (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 min).
The folder 'Excel_analysis_output' contains the output files for all five FOV (1,3,4,5,6) for
1. fovX_t0 or time 100_whi5_nadh_.xlsx – at time 0 and time 100 minutes. These files correspond to the analysis of the background auto-fluorescence excited at 750 nm used to calculate size. The only relevant information from these analyses is the Cyto size (fL) column in tab 3 of each file
2. fovX_tX_whi5_.xlsx Analysis of all time points and all FOV for Whi5-GFP intensities.