Shireen Omer Abdelnour Suliman - PhD project-data for study 3
TitleChapter 4. Achieving ‘something that everybody has invested in’: Perspectives of diverse stakeholders during co-creation of a transition to residency curriculum. Summary In... -
Erdem Onan - PhD Project data for study 4
Title System versus Self: Using Adaptive Learning Technologies to Promote the Self-regulated Use of Desirable Difficulties Summary This study aims to move beyond... -
Amotekun as Colonial Afterlife
This dataset contains research data on Nigerian security politics, focusing on Amotekun, the security outfit in Southwest Nigeria. -
R codes for Robustness of normality-based likelihood ratio tests for interact...
This page includes R codes for all studies discussed in the manuscript Robustness of normality-based likelihood ratio tests for interaction in two-mode data and a... -
Replication data for: Ohmic response in BiFeO3 domain walls by submicron-scal...
This dataset contains the raw data needed to reproduce the figures for the journal article "Ohmic response in BiFeO3 domain walls by submicron-scale four-point probe resistance... -
Placenta pathology and Fidgety Movements in very preterm infants
Attached, you will find the dataset containing all the data used to derive the numbers presented in Table 1, the figures and to perform the statistical analyses for the article... -
24.115 Deurne - Sint Willibrorduskerk
Van de Sint Willibrordus kerk in Deurne wordt vermoed dat deze in de 15e eeuw is opgetrokken ter vervanging van een eerder en eenvoudiger exemplaar. Een exacte datering... -
Replication Data for Chapter 3
Variables corresponds to each variable introduced in the paper. Last column corresponds to the result vector from the econometric analysis, which is a country-sector fixed... -
Erdem Onan - Phd Project data for study 1
Title Growing out of the experience: How subjective experiences of effort and learning influence the use of interleaved practice Summary This study examines how students choose... -
De Hunebedden van Nederland: integrale geodataset
In 2016-2017 zijn alle hunebedden van Nederland door het Groninger Instituut voor Archeologie opnieuw in kaart gebracht als 3D modellen (op basis van fotogrammetrie) met... -
Erdem Onan - PhD Project data for study 3
Title Optimizing Self-organized Study Orders: Combining Refutations and Metacognitive Prompts Improves the Use of Interleaved Practice Summary This study examines the efficacy... -
‘Ik weet niet wat ik niet weet’
Het doel van dit onderzoek was om samen met mensen met een visuele beperking, een blauwdruk ontwikkelen voor een voorlichtingsprogramma rondom seksualiteit. Mensen met een... -
24.090 Arcen - Kasteel Arcen
Kasteel Arcen, gelegen aan de Lingeforterweg in Arcen, beslaat een omgracht terrein waarop meerdere gebouwen uit verschillende periodes aanwezig zijn. Om meer inzicht te krijgen... -
Roman Hari - PhD project-data for study 2
Title Describing Ultrasound Skills Teaching by Near-Peer and Faculty Tutors Using Cognitive Apprenticeship. Phenomenon Ultrasound skills are becoming increasingly important in... -
Replication Data for Chapter 2
This datasetcontains the RCA matrices and TFP vectors employed for building the proposed algorithm and replicating the ECI and EFC -
Global Land System classification data
Data from Van Asselen, S. & Verburg, P.H. (2012). A Land System representation for global assessments and land-use modeling. Global Change Biology, 18(10): 3125-3148... -
Carrièreperspectieven bij mannelijke en vrouwelijke intensive care verpleegku...
Artikel Gedrag & Organisatie. Gedrag & Organisatie, Tijdschrift voor Sociale, Arbeids- & Organisatiepsychologie, is een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor de... -
French in Berlin
The project Francophones à Berlin [French in Berlin] is a research project conducted at Leipzig University in 2020, and further taken upon in 2024-2025 at Leiden University. Its... -
Erdem Onan - PhD Projectdata for study 5
Title Improving Diagnostic Accuracy of Lung Auscultation through Interleaved Practice: A Quasi-Experimental Field Study Summary This research investigated the effectiveness of... -
Roman Hari - PhD project-data for study 1
Purpose Medical schools increasingly rely on near-peer tutors for ultrasound teaching. We set out to compare the efficacy of a blended near-peer ultrasound teaching program to...