Dataset Figure_2: Determination of nuclear Whi5 concentration by widefield fl...
This dataset contain the data used to determine the nuclear to whole-cell volume for the Nup133-yeGFP strain. -
Dataset Figure_1: Determination of Whi5 concentration with widefield fluoresc...
This dataset contains all data and scripts used to generate figure 1, "Determination of Whi5 concentration with widefield fluorescence microscopy may be confounded by... -
Dataset Figure_6: Cln3 levels pulse prior to Start
Data and Matlab script 1. FLmean_Cln3_GLU: CSV file containing mean GFP concentration from Cln3-P2A-GFP for single daughter cells grown in glucose. Each cell is followed from... -
Dataset Figure_4: Nuclear Whi5-GFP intensity versus time from repeated imagin...
Whi5-GFP intensity as a function of time for the same FOVs. Only small daughter cells in the asynchronous population at time point 0 were quantified as a function of time. The... -
Dataset Figure_5: Whi5-GFP intensity versus size and time in a synchronous G1...
Whi5-GFP intensity as a function of time for the different FOV of elutriated cells. This dataset contains: 1. Raw TIF_images_NADH – These are autofluorescence images taken at...