Umfrage der InNa App "CO2-Mensa"
Das Ziel der InNa App "CO2-Mensa" ist die messtechnische Erfassung der CO2 Emissionen von Mensa-Gerichten an der Universität Würzburg, die mit Methoden der Informatik... -
TD-DFT for PZX-tolan and Geometry optimization for Radicals
This dataset contains (TD-)DFT calculations for a series of N-Tolanyl-phenochalcogenazines PZX in neutral and radical form with two different geometries. For the radicals, only... -
Sublattice modulated superconductivity in the kagome Hubbard model
We identify a superconducting order featuring spatial pair modulations on the kagome lattice subject to on-site Hubbard 𝑈 and nearest-neighbor 𝑉 interactions. Within our... -
Supplemental figures for Jaske et al.: Velocity coding in the central brain o...
Supplemental figures for publication "Jaske et al.: Velocity coding in the central brain of bumblebees" -
TD-DFT calculations of bridged triarylamine dimers
This dataset contains (TD-)DFT calculations (Gaussian 09 output files) for a series of 2,7-fluorene bridged triarylamine dimers in their neutral-, monoradicalic- and diradicalic... -
Manipulating topology of quantum phase transitions by symmetry enhancement
Processed data used for generating the figures of manuscript: "Manipulating topology of quantum phase transitions by symmetry enhancement" on arXiv:... -
Phase diagram of the SU(N) antiferromagnet of spin S on a square lattice
Data to reproduce the results of the publication: Jonas Schwab, Francesco Parisen Toldin, and Fakher F. Assaad. "Phase diagram of the SU(𝑁) antiferromagnet of spin 𝑆 on a square... -
Neural representation of goal direction in the monarch butterfly brain
Raw data and matlab scripts used for the manuscript: 'Neural representation of goal direction in the monarch butterfly brain' published in Nature Communications (2023). Please... -
Percentage of corn and raps from Invekos 2019 for 100 - 5000 meters buffer ar...
Percentage of arable area that is used as corn and raps for 100 - 5000 meters (100-1000 meters with 100 meter interval and 1000 - 5000 with 500 meter intervals) buffer area... -
Percentage of corn and raps from Invekos 2018 for 100 - 5000 meters buffer ar...
Percentage of arable area that is used as corn and raps for 100 - 5000 meters (100-1000 meters with 100 meter interval and 1000 - 5000 with 500 meter intervals) buffer area... -
Instanton gas approach to the Hubbard model
We consider a path integral formulation of the Hubbard model based on a Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation that couples the auxiliary field to the local electronic density.... -
Forschungsdatenanhang zur Bachelorarbeit „Digitale Editionen von Handschrifte...
Im Rahmen der Bachelorarbeit „Digitale Editionen von Handschriftenbeständen – eine bibliothekarische Aufgabe?“ wurden anhand der Handschrift „Würzburger Wundarznei" (UBW,... -
Landscape composition of landuse classes from detailed land cover map and sha...
Based on detailed land cover map created by LandKlif project, we calculated the landscape composition as well as shannon diversity based on land use class (LUclass) for 100 -... -
Hubbard and Heisenberg models on hyperbolic lattices - Metal-insulator transi...
Processed data used for generating the figures of manuscript: "Hubbard and Heisenberg models on hyperbolic lattices - Metal-insulator transitions, global antiferromagnetism and... -
Hydrodynamics of Lorentz symmetric systems: a quantum Monte Carlo study
We present a study on the hydrodynamic behavior of charge current in a Lorentz symmetric system: graphene at charge-neutrality. We compute the current profiles directly from... -
Initial Sample of Emotional Bodily Expressions for the NAO Robot
To investigate human-robot interaction with the NAO robot using emotional body language, we used this sample of photographed expressions to validate bodily expressions... -
Edge density of landuse patches from detailed land cover map in series of buf...
Based on detailed land cover map created by LandKlif project, we calculated the edge density of landuse patches (the sum of the lengths in meter of all edge segments of LUclass... -
DynaBench: Wave Grid Full
This package contains the Wave equation simulations for the full high-resolution structured (grid) observation locations. It is part of the DynaBench dataset. -
DynaBench: Wave Grid High
This package contains the Wave equation simulations for a high number of structured (grid) observation locations. It is part of the DynaBench dataset. -
DynaBench: Wave Grid Medium
This package contains the Wave equation simulations for a medium number of structured (grid) observation locations. It is part of the DynaBench dataset.