EmbryoNet_Training-data: FGF
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EmbryoNet_Training-data: RA
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EmbryoNet_Training-data: BMP
This dataset has no description
This file contains microscopy data for an experiment that compares Nodal and BMP phenotypes, achieved by either chemical pathway inhibition, overexpression of pathway... -
Datasets for "Uncovering developmental time and tempo using deep learning"
This is the data repository for training and testing the Twin Network. The imaging data repositories are divided into several packages based on independent experiments. The data... -
This dataset contains the drugscreen of the FDA-approved drug library (Enzo Screen Well BML 2843, Plates 3, 5, 6 ) including the imaging data (time lapse bright-field... -
This dataset contains the drugscreen of the FDA-approved drug library (Enzo Screen Well BML 2843, Plates 1-2) including the imaging data (time lapse bright-field microscopy) and... -
This dataset contains the drugscreen of the known bioactives library (Enzo Screen Well BML 2840) including the imaging data (time lapse bright-field microscopy of zebrafish... -
EmbryoNet_Test-data: Medaka
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
EmbryoNet_Test-data 2
This dataset has no description
EmbryoNet_Test-data 1
This dataset has no description
EUSANCT: Does Supranational Coercion Work? Onset, Impact and Effectiveness of...
The EUSANCT Dataset covers sanction threats and imposed sanctions by the European Union, the United States and the United Nations from 1989-2015. Disaggregating the sanctioning... -
Dataset: Combining molecular dynamics simulations and scoring method to compu...
The dataset comprises atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of ubiquitylated linker histone H1. The provided data has been stripped from solvent and subsampled with a 50 ps... -
Data for "Can young-of-the-year invasive fish keep up with young-of-the-year ...
This data set provides feeding rates of juvenile sticklebacks and whitefish of various sizes feeding on seven different zooplankton species in aquaria. The data set has been... -
Datasets for "Penetration Coefficients of Commercial Nanolimes and a Liquid M...
This is the parent data package for the data associated with the journal article "Penetration Coefficients of Commercial Nanolimes and a Liquid Mineral Precursor into... -
Datasets for "EmbryoNet: Using deep learning to link embryonic phenotypes to ...
This is the data repository of the training and test data sets for EmbryoNet. The data is structured in multiple packages. EmbryoNet_Models (DOI 10.48606/31) contains the... -
Dataset for “Morphological defences and defence-cost-trade-offs in Daphnia in...
This data set provides measurements of life history and morphological anti-predator responses of eight Daphnia galeata clones to the kairomones of two invertebrate predators,... -
Antipredator responses of three Daphnia species within the Daphnia longispina...
Refer to README.txt -
Chlorophyll a concentrations (0-20m) in Lake Constance 1980-2019
Time series of average chlorophyll a concentrations within the upper 20 m of the water column measured in Lake Constance (Überlinger See) during 1980-2019. Measurements were...