EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum Webinars
Slides from EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum Webinars -
Modification and verification of soil-snow module of INM RAS climate model
This paper describes the modification of land snow cover module of INM RAS climate model. The possible liquid water content in the snow layer and refreezing of melt water are... -
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HCG16 L-band VLA C+D array data
The VLA D and C array data of HCG 16 were collected by the Very Large Array (http://www.vla.nrao.edu/) in 1989 and 1999, under PI projects of Jacqueline van Gorkom and Marcus... -
Simulated cosmic volume - Primordial magnetic seeding models.
These are 2 subsets (300^3 cells each) derived from larger 1024^3 cosmological MHD simulations produced using ENZO on Piz-Daint (CSCS) by F.Vazza& collaborators. In these... -
Introduction to cross-section spatial econometric models with applications in...
This paper introduces the spatial component in cross-section econometric estimations and specifically, the spatial dependence effect inherent in some of the variables involved... -
EUDAT D7.1: EUDAT EGI Pilot Activity
This document describes the work undertaken by the EUDAT2020 project to strengthen the interoperability between EUDAT and EGI, and to prepare the ground for establishing a... -
Rosalia Lehrforst AUSTRIA - Meteorological Data 2001-2020
Meteorological data from three stations at the LTER Site Rosalia Lehrforst Austria (https://deims.org/77c127c4-2ebe-453b-b5af-61858ff02e31). Relevant metadata on methods and on... -
Persistent Identifier (PID) Bundle
This document is the bootstrapping document for the discussions within the PID focus area within the GEDE (Group of European Data Experts) and the RDA Data Fabric... -
Supplementary Material for „Impact of Explainable AI On Cognitive Load: Insig...
Abstract: Supplementary material for the article: Herm, Lukas-Valentin: Impact of Explainable AI On Cognitive Load: Insights From An Empirical Study. In: 31st European... -
B2ACCESS is a simple and secure authorisation and authentication platform of EUDAT -
Gesäuse-Johnsbachtal - Austria, Bulk Density
Bulk density data of the Gesäuse-Johnsbachtal site -
Full events, target activities, meetings and connections
Support text to the RDA Europe 3 final review -
Design and simulation of losses in Ge/SiGe terahertz quantum cascade laser wa...
README: This document describes how to make use of the data used to produce the content of the manuscript, according to the open access regulations enforced by the funder(s).... -
Lists of finite lattices (modular, semimodular, graded and geometric)
Listings of finite lattices in four families, stored in xz-compressed digraph6 format: (1) Modular vertically indecomposable lattices up to 30 elements (2) Duals of semimodular... -
Changes of spectral light composition during the day (clear sky)
In order to understand light-induced processes in plants it is necessary to understand the environment the plants are adapted to. Therefore, spectral composition of light light... -
Screenshot of PROV-O-Viz interface
PROV-O-Viz (http://provovoz.org) is an interactive visualisation tool for provenance traces in the PROV-O format -
The impact of objective and subjective measures of air quality and noise on h...
Dataset accompanying the publication "The Impact of Objective and Subjective Measures of Air Quality and Noise on House Prices: A Multilevel Approach for Downtown Madrid"... -
Underlying data_Lab-scale and on-field industrial composting of biodegradable...
Underlying data_Lab-scale and on-field industrial composting of biodegradable plastic blends for packaging_Chong et al. 2022 (in submission) -
EUDAT D9.6: Final Report on Testing of Graph Technologies
This document provides an assessment of the available graph database technologies, describe relevant use cases, and report on testing of these. It also includes recommendation...