Würzburger Kinderbetreuungsstudie in der COVID-19 Pandemie, Teil II (Wü-KiTa-...
This dataset has no description
Appendix for "Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) for ...
Alexander Mayr, Philip Stahmann, Maximilian Nebel, Christian Janiesch: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) for Intelligent Process Automation. Accepted... -
Salinas data set 2
salinas_dafe (512x217x9): training 1% and test salinas_dafe_sdap_dafe (512x217x12): training 1% and test -
This repository contains measurement data that are presented in the paper "Real World Performance of LTE Downlink in a Static Dense Urban Scenario – An Open Dataset" Submitted... -
B2ACCESS User Training
How to register an account with with B2ACCESS -
Rome data set csv format
Panchromatic Red Blue Green Infra red Training Test -
E3A, AMR8 at z=0.02, reconstructed down to the 7th AMR level (7.9kpc/cell)
Each HDF5 dataset contains triplets of fields: -7_8mdm001R_dt_015 contains "Density", "Dark_Matter_Density" and "Temperature" (a 512^3 grid for each); -7_8mdm001R_v_015 contains... -
MUGS Initial Conditions
The McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations (MUGS) are a series of cosmological zoom-in simulations of L* galaxies (such as the Milky Way), chosen randomly to allow an unbiased... -
This dataset has no description
TSM Client
TSM Client RPM -
EUDAT D4.5: Data and Computing Landscape Characteristics and Scientific Commu...
D4.5 reports on the findings of 14 face-to-face interviews and 10 desktop analyses in the form of a landscape study. Community specific analysis reports are summarised according... -
Simulated cosmic volume - astrophysical seeding scenario
These are 3 subsets (300^3 cells each) derived from larger 1024^3 cosmological MHD simulations produced using ENZO on Piz-Daint (CSCS) by F.Vazza& collaborators. In these... -
EUDAT D7.1 EUDAT/EGI Pilot Activity
This document describes the work undertaken by the EUDAT2020 project to strengthen the interoperability between EUDAT and EGI, and to prepare the ground for establishing a... -
Simulated cosmic volume - dynamo amplification
This is one subset (300^3 cells) derived from a larger 1024^3 cosmological MHD simulation produced using ENZO on Piz-Daint (CSCS) by F.Vazza& collaborators. In these... -
Geology-Zat valley
The origin of the totality of the data provided is in the comprehensive studies carried out by the UAB team in the valley over three years of missions and analysis in the UAB... -
Scripts and networks for "Electronic Structure Machine Learning Surrogates wi...
Scripts for "Electronic Structure Machine Learning Surrogates without Training" This repository contains scripts to reproduce the results of the publication "Electronic... -
COMSOL IEC Electrostatics and Charged Particle Tracing Dataset
COMSOL v. 6.2 .mph files for IEC electric field and single-ion charged particle tracing simulations -
Libvsm format wind data 12h interval
labelled wind data for 128 member, 4 towers, a 12h interval. Global models are featured from 0 to 15 -
Appendix for Mayr et al. “Applications and Challenges of Task Mining: A Liter...
Dataset for the article: Mayr, Alexander ; Herm, Lukas-Valentin ; Wanner, Jonas ; Janiesch, Christian : Applications and Challenges of Task Mining: A Literature Review. Accepted... -
Making the Data Revolution Happen
This is a report from the Big Data and IoT Workshop organised at the IoT Week 2018 in Bilbao edited by Georg Wittenburg (Inspirient) and Peter Wittenburg (RDA).