REACTION molecule data:C0H0
REACTION molecular data: Simple molecular information for species with no carbons -
The data set available here is published along with an article “Kraft et al. (2022). Towards operational phytoplankton recognition with automated high-throughput imaging, near... -
Benchmarking Timer Mechanisms in Real-TimeOperating Systems - Simulation Data
This file contains results data from various simulations produced for a master thesis named "Benchmarking Timer Mechanisms in Real-TimeOperating Systems" -
Intra-oscillator high harmonic generation in a thin-disk laser operating in t...
Data sets of the paper entitled "Intra-oscillator high harmonic generation in a thin-disk laser operating in the 100-fs regime," J. Fischer, et. al., published in the journal... -
Stepwise processing of Chlorella sorokiniana confers a plant biostimulant tha...
Excel sheets contain overview of all results and results extracted out of phenotyping data and LCMS data. Reports generated by Metaboanalyst platform for MS data are attached in... -
Data Samples for temperature forecasting by deep learning methods
Here we provide the data samples (one-year data) to allow the users to fast test the machine learning workflow code that is published on Zenodo... -
This is a test -
A Typology of Industries for Prioritising Infrastructure Investments: A Spati...
Dataset accompanying the publication "A Typology of Industries for Prioritising Infrastructure Investments: A Spatial Approach". The paper constructs a typology of industries to... -
Underlying data_Lab-scale and on-field industrial composting of biodegradable...
Underlying data_Lab-scale and on-field industrial composting of biodegradable plastic blends for packaging_Chong et al. 2022 (first submission), updated 2023 -
perfectBASH: Band‐selective homonuclear decoupling in peptides and peptidomim...
Pure shift techniques have recently attracted much attention, as they have the ability to reduce spectral overlap and thus to simplify the analysis of complex and congested... -
Terpenoid and lipid profiles vary in different Phytophthora cactorum – strawb...
Specialized metabolites are essential components in plant defence systems, serving as signalling molecules and chemical weapons against pathogens. The manipulation of plant... -
Final Salinas data set
salinas_raw (512x217x204): training 1% and test RF Classifier (150trees):87,32% salinas_kpca (512x217x17): training 1% and test RF Classifier (150trees):87,50%... -
Interlinking Digital Repositories: Digital Objects as Foundational Entities i...
This flyer was generated by the C2CAMP consortium to describe its basic goals on developing a Digital Object based data infrastructure that has the capacity of interlinking... -
Where do you store your sequence data?
Poster informing about sequence data management -
Scripts and networks for "Electronic Structure Machine Learning Surrogates wi...
Scripts for "Electronic Structure Machine Learning Surrogates without Training" This repository contains scripts to reproduce the results of the publication "Electronic... -
BBMRI.se Newsletter about EUDAT
BBMRI.se published an article about EUDAT as service provided for the biomedical research community -
reason to switch to moab
The reasons to switch to moab -
piSVM1.2.1 Analytics 10-Fold Cross-Validation Indian Pines Images Processed 3...
piSVM version 1.2.1 Deployment JUDGE cluster of the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany Parallel Support Vector Machine (SVM) 10-fold cross-validation runs for model... -
Plasma electrolytic Polishing of additively manufactured metal parts: Optimi...
Due to its unique manufacturing capabilities, additive manufacturing of metal parts is gaining acceptance in the industry. Higher surface roughness of printed parts is one of...