Austrian Crystallographic Diffraction Consortium
This proposed Austrian Crystallographic Diffraction Consortium (ACDC) BAG is to support various macromolecular structural biology groups across Austria (totally 15 research... -
Understanding the 3D structure of a variety of proteins related to the human health -
Compressibility and structural response to pressure study of several rare-ear...
The rare-earth iridates, with general formula A2Ir2O7 (A = rare-earth ion), crystallise in a pyrochlore structure. They display a wide range of exotic magnetic and electronic... -
Structural investigation of membrane and water soluble proteins -
Iron valence in basaltic molten glass
The purpose of this experiment is to explore the valence of iron in molten basaltic rocks, in particular the relative abundance of iron II and III, by XAS measurements at the... -
Laue micro-diffraction of Pt particles during electrochemical cycling
Platinum group metal (PGM) nanocrystals (NCs) and their alloys are frequently used as catalysts in many relevant (electro)-chemical processes. In this proposal, we intend to... -
Nanoscale characterization of mineral self-organized membranes in anoxic cond...
Self-organized, iron-silica(te) membranes might have served as redox catalysts in the early Earth hydrothermal systems proposed as niches for the emergence of metabolism.... -
Structural Biology BAG - Portugal
The Portuguese MX BAG includes 13 PIs from three different institutions. Our research interests include soluble and membrane proteins of biomedical interest from humans or... -
UK Midlands BAG
The UK Midlands BAG consists of groups located at the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Warwick, Nottingham, Keele, and Wolverhampton. We represent a diverse spectrum of... -
3D characterisation of fatigue cracks during torsion experiments
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The Iberian cryoEM community BAG
The Iberian cryoEM BAG is a large consortium (> 30 groups) composed of Portuguese and Spanish groups working in biologically relevant problems including disease-related... -
Nanobeam diffraction tomography -
Exploring the local structure of complex doped ceria systems by PDF analyses
With the proposed experiment we aim to perform pair distribution function (PDF) analyses on 16 samples belonging to the Ce1-x(Nd0.74Tm0.26)xO2-x/2 and the... -
Coherent, bright and focused light to resolve neural circuits
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Synchrotron Serial Crystallography (SSX) BAG
The aim of this BAG is the development of new methods, hardware and software for different applications in SSX. The new EBS machine is in the privileged position of exploiting... -
Molecular machines in energy transduction, cellular signaling and defense pro...
Within this BAG we are focussing mainly on three topics: 1.) proteins that use the energy of light, ATP, GTP or NADH to perform essential biological functions, either embedded... -
Reaction-induced fracturing during the hydration of the oceanic crust
Near mid-oceanic ridges, microseismicity develops in large volumes of the oceanic crust and is interpreted to result from the hydration of oceanic rocks with a solid volume... -
Bridging the gap between cellular and whole body imaging using Hierarchical P...
Humans and other large organisms are three-dimensional multiscale biological systems where large scale function and structure are dependent on the macrostructure’s... -
The IBS BAG currently includes 24 IBS teams and 4 external groups from CERMAV and iRTSV/CEA (Grenoble), CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We...