RPG complété 2019 département 18
RPG complété 2019. Complète le RPG campagne 2019 pour le département 18. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Assessment of a Food Consumption DataBase enrichment method using Ciqual, USD...
This dataset contains data used to assess a method designed to implement Food Consumption DataBase (FCDB) enrichment task and associated results for a given use case. This use... -
RPG complété 2018 département 17
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 17. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
Données de réplication pour : Reduced microbial diversity induces larger vola...
These data concern the study "Reduced microbial diversity induces larger volatile organic compound emissions from soils". It is our intention to publish all the raw data and the... -
Données des croissances des génisses élevées au distributeur automatique de l...
L’expérimentation-système mise en place sur l’installation expérimentale (IE) de l’unité de recherche INRAE ASTER de Mirecourt est un dispositif mené à l’échelle de... -
International Bank for the Glomeromycota
Arbuscular mycorrhiza is a mutualistic symbiosis between the majority of land plants and fungi from the phylum Glomeromycota. The fungi are obligate symbionts and cannot be... -
Package Fordead
Fordead is dedicated to the detection of anomalies in seasonality of vegetation properties derived from SENTINEL-2 time series. It was initially developed as a monitoring tool... -
RPG complété 2018 département 42
RPG complété 2018. Complète le RPG campagne 2018 pour le département 42. (contient les parcelles agricoles hors RPG) Données géographiques (vectorielles, shapefile),... -
CO2 solubility and composition data of food products annotated from the scien...
This dataset regroups the solubility to CO2 measure and composition of different food products. Solubility measures were gathered from scientific literature found on Web of... -
Physical properties of aqueous solutions of fructo-oligosaccharides and refer...
This dataset contain the composition and physical properties of aqueous solutions of fructo-oligosaccharides produced as part of the PREMIUM project, compared to reference... -
Genome assembly and annotation of Plasmopara viticola, the grapevine downy mi...
This dataset includes the assembly and annotation of the Plasmopara viticola genome (INRA-PV221 isolate), following genome sequencing using PacBio long reads at deep coverage.... -
Dataset of a two-year field experiment on the dynamics of Zymoseptoria tritic...
The data and the R scripts that support the findings of this study -
Select SNP for Imputation software
Select SNP subset for Imputation (SS4I) is a tool dedicated to the selection of a sub-panel of SNP for the design of a low density genotyping chip. This program, written in... -
Statistiques spatio-temporelles par petite région agricole des teneurs en ETM...
L’ADEME a financé deux programmes de collecte d’analyses de sols en éléments traces métalliques. Ces deux campagnes ont été réalisées par l’Inra. La première collecte, effectuée... -
Microsatellite datasets of wild P. brigantina (Alpine plum) accessions and di...
This dataset corresponds to the SSR (microsatellite) genotypes of a large set of Prunus brigantina and Prunus cerasifera accessions, those accessions were genotyped with a set... -
tree bending tests
Rubber tree bending tests provided by T. Fourcaud (CIRAD) -
Results of analysing success and failure factors based on triggers
Three characteristic triggers were selected to build business concepts by business model canvas around them. Selected triggers: 1. Avoiding or reducing pollution 2.... -
PPN-specific M. incognita proteins with no hits against NR
Accession numbers of M. incognita proteins specific to plant-parasitic nematodes as determined by the orthofinder analysis and returning no significant hits against the NCBI's... -
Replication Data for: TCLS study in Vendee, France
Two datasets are provided. They were developed to simulate and assess sustainability and resilience of scenarios of exchanges between arable and livestock farms, i.e. scenarios...