Centrifuge modelling database for dynamic response of homogeneous embankments...
This is a dataset includes detailed information on accelerations, pore pressures, and displacements of two centrifuge models. These physical model reproduce a homogenous... -
Calibration for Non Destructive evaluations of the water and chloride content...
This database contains the results of electromagnetic non-destructive (ND) evaluations of several concrete mixes in the laboratory. The measurement cells have been adapted for... -
Centrifuge Modelling database for dynamic response of homogeneous embankments...
This is a dataset recorded during centrifuge tests. The provided data includes detailed information on accelerations, pore pressures, and displacements of a centrifuge model... -
Electrification of the French automotive industry: modeling the influence of ...
This study models the evolution of the French electric vehicles fleet depending on different parameters, such as production or recycling capacities, average lithium amount per... -
A new biofunctionalized and micropatterned PDMS is able to promote stretching...
The data supporting the findings of this study are presented. All biological data have been consolidated into a single Excel file. The raw spectrometry data from the analyses... -
Long term monitoring of near surface soil temperature in the french Alps part...
Monitoring of near-surface soil temperature in seasonaly snow-covered, mountain ecosystems located in the French Alps. Data are part the ORCHAMP project. Data include a GPS... -
Semis de points LiDAR aéroporté - Parc naturel régional du Massif des Bauges,...
Semis de points LiDAR - Parc naturel régional du Massif des Bauges, partie Haute-Savoie. Le levé LiDAR a été réalisé par l'entreprise Opsia pour le PNR du Massif des Bauges dans... -
Datasets for "Influence of dietary crude protein and electrolyte balance on n...
Ce jeu de données contient les données d'émissions gazeuses et de bilan de masse de l'article "Influence of dietary crude protein and electrolyte balance on nitrogen budget and... -
AGRIBALYSE® version 3.2
Ce jeu de données comporte toute la documentation associée à la version 3.2 de la base de données AGRIBALYSE®. Ce jeu de données est composé de documents indépendants et... -
Characterization of the physical environment at the municipal level in Northe...
This dataset was developed as part of a PhD research work titled 'Multi-dimensional description of the environment at the territorial scale : contribution to researching... -
Robustness of high-throughput prediction of leaf ecophysiological traits usin...
This dataset comes from two experiments performed on a diversity panel of 279 grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) cultivars, designed to be representative of the genetic diversity of... -
lidarHD : un package R pour télécharger et gérer les fichiers LiDAR HD de l'IGN
lidarHD propose des outils pour télécharger et gérer les fichiers de la couverture nationale LIDAR HD. L’IGN met en ligne les données sous forme de dalles groupées par blocs.... -
Data associated to the paper "Analyzing resilience of European beech tree to ...
This dataset is provided as supplementary material of the following article: Zhang G, Breda N, Steil N, Gaertner PA, Levillain J, Ruelle J, Massonnet C. (2025) Analyzing... -
Dataset for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and flour characterizat...
This dataset includes 29 TSV files comprising characterisation measurements for 290 wheat samples. Data stored in the EVAGRAIN PO2 knowledge base have been extracted using... -
A specific metabolomic and lipidomic signature reveals the post-partum resolu...
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus represents a major public health concern due to adverse maternal post-partum and long-term outcome. Current strategies to manage Gestational... -
Mougin Christian, Cheviron Nathalie, Naslain Erell, Poiroux Françoise, Gossea...
The files provide preliminary mean, median, minimum and maximum values for enzyme activities measured in soil samples taken between 0 and 20 cm, over the period 2016-2024, as... -
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus experimental rat model mother plasma metabolomi...
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus represents a major public health concern due to adverse maternal post-partum and long-term outcome. Current strategies to manage GDM fail to... -
Replication Data for: An unexplored diversity for adaptation of germination t...
Replication dataset for the paper: Tiret, M., Wagner, M. H., Gay, L., Chenel, E., Dupont, A., Falentin, C., ... & Chevre, A. M. (2024). An unexplored diversity for... -
Compiling the Escobase (EScherichia COli dataBASE) was part of Lucile Martin's Internship for her MSc-1 at the University of Clermont-Auvergne, who PS supervised from May-August... -
Données de réplication pour : Mathematical model of the behavior of mesenchym...
In vitro data of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue stem cells in culture for a mathematical model