Raziskava proučuje, kakšen vpliv ima danes znanje na dohodke, varnost zaposlitve in možnosti za boljšo zaposlitev, koliko formalna izobrazba sploh pomaga pri delu, ki ga človek danes opravlja, koliko ljudi in na kakšne načine se dodatno izobražujejo, kakšni razlogi jih pri tem vodijo in s kakšnimi ovirami se pri tem srečujejo. Raziskava tudi tokrat posveča veliko pozornosti aktualnim dogodkom v slovenski politiki – gospodarska kriza, okrepljen boj proti korupciji, nepravilnosti pri podeljevanju evropskih sredstev, zadeva Stožice, interpelacija ministra za infrastrukturo. Ugotavljalo se je ali se trendi glede podpore posameznih političnim strankam v lanskem letu, nadaljujejo tudi letos.
The study investigates the effect of knowledge on income, the security of employment and possibilities for a better employment, to what extend formal education helps with work, which is nowadays done at workplace, how many people are involved in additional training/study programmes and in what ways, as well as what are the reasons for that and obstacles those people face. This time again, the study also focuses a lot of attention on actual events in the Slovenian politics – economic crisis, enhanced fight against corruption, irregularities in the awarding of European funds, Stožice scandal, interpellation of the Minister for Infrastructure. It was also examined if the trends of support of individual political parties in the previous year continue in that year as well.
Verjetnostno: stratificiranoProbability.Stratified
Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI