Qualitative instruments to identify "resilient practices" to help children an...
This dataset corresponds to the qualitative instruments of the "Children, youth and resilient communities" research project, used to be able to collect the qualitative data that... -
Replication Data for: Una actividad de comprensión lectora y de modelización ...
Activitat didàctica de comprensió lectora i de modelització matemàtica per alumnes de sisè curs d'educació primària (11-12 anys). L'activitat consisteix en dues pràctiques: una,... -
Resultats de l'enquesta realitzada en el projecte edDIT
Aquesta base de dades conté els resultats de l'instrument adminstrat en el projecte "Corporacions tecnològiques, plataformes educatives digitals i garantia dels drets de la... -
Estudio sobre la internacionalización de la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelo...
Datos de apoyo a la investigación sobre la evolución de la internacionalización en la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.... -
Results of the MiCREATE survey on migrant children in Catalan schools
This dataset contains all the quantitative data coming from the survey implemented in ten Spanish schools during Work Packages (WP) 5, 6, and 7 of the MiCREATE project. This... -
Audio-visual feedback in Higher Education
Audiovisual feedback in Higher Education. In this study, carried out in a face-to-face and an online university, several subjects were selected to provide bachelor’s and... -
Replication data for: "Systematic review: Revisiting Challenge-Based Learning...
This dataset forms a comprehensive matrix for the systematic literature review titled "Systematic Review: Revisiting Challenge-Based Learning Teaching Practices in Higher... -
Menciones web de universidades españolas (competencia digital crítica, prácti...
Menciones web de universidades españolas de los conceptos "competencia digital crítica", "práctica educativa abierta" y "agencia para el aprendizaje". Corresponde a la T1.2... -
Perceptions of mental control and mental effort
Data from a study on perception of mental control and mental effort. The dataset sorts participants into the condition they were in (syntactic, semantic, or control, across the... -
Data for the analysis of STEM teaching and learning sequences
This dataset categorises the 345 teaching and learning proposals collected in various teacher trainings on STEM education between 2017 and 2021. The training participants are... -
Roman Hari - PhD project-data for study 1
Purpose Medical schools increasingly rely on near-peer tutors for ultrasound teaching. We set out to compare the efficacy of a blended near-peer ultrasound teaching program to... -
Interview Transcripts on Conditions For Study Success (WiSe 2021/22)
This dataset contains raw interview data (transcripts) from a seminar on study success requirements ("Lernerfolgsbedingungen im Hochschulstudium", Universität Stuttgart) in... -
Interview Transcripts on Conditions For Study Success (WiSe 2022/23)
This dataset contains raw interview data (transcripts) from a seminar on study success requirements ("Lernerfolgsbedingungen im Hochschulstudium", Universität Stuttgart) in... -
Interview Transcripts on Conditions For Study Success (WiSe 2021/22)
This dataset contains raw interview data (transcripts) from a seminar on study success requirements ("Lernerfolgsbedingungen im Hochschulstudium", Universität Stuttgart) in... -
Interview Transcripts on Conditions For Study Success (WiSe 2022/23)
This dataset contains raw interview data (transcripts) from a seminar on study success requirements ("Lernerfolgsbedingungen im Hochschulstudium", Universität Stuttgart) in... -
A database-driven web site on all living cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus). Contact at cephbase@hotmail.com -
Children, Young People and Flooding: Recovery and Resilience 2013-2016
This is a qualitative data collection gathered with two groups of children and young people (from one rural and one urban location) who were affected by the 2013/14 UK winter... -
An Exploration of How University Lecturers Construct Their Knowledge of Infor...
These data were generated from Professional Doctorate research set within two UK universities that explored how university lecturers construct their knowledge of information and... -
Skills Acquisition and Employability Through Volunteering by Displaced Youth ...
This archive contains the full dataset of the project "Skills acquisition and employability through volunteering by displaced youth in Uganda", also known as Refugee Youth... -
Redressing Gendered Health Inequalities of Displaced Women and Girls in conte...
Women and young girls who are driven by necessity to leave their countries in Central and South America (often on basis of gendered threats such as sexual violence) face a range...