V raziskavi se je spraševalo, kakšen vpliv ima danes znanje na dohodke, varnost zaposlitve in možnosti za boljšo zaposlitev, koliko formalna izobrazba sploh pomaga pri delu, ki ga človek danes opravlja, koliko ljudi in na kakšne načine se dodatno izobražuje, kakšni razlogi jih pri tem vodijo in s kakšnimi ovirami se pri tem srečujejo. Raziskava tudi tokrat posveča veliko pozornosti aktualnim dogodkom v slovenski politiki – poročilo Komisije za preprečevanje korupcije o premoženjskem stanju Janeza Janše in Zorana Jankovića, morebitni padec vlade. Ugotavljalo se je, ali se trendi glede podpore posameznih političnim strankam v lanskem letu nadaljujejo tudi letos.
The study investigates the influence of knowledge on income, employment security and chances for a better employment. It also measures people's opinion on how education nowadays helps people at work, how many people are involved and how they are involved in complementary training/education, what are reasons for that and which are related obstacles. The study again concentrates on actual events in Slovenian politics - the report of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption on the financial conditions of Janez Janša and Zoran Janković, as well as on the possible fall of the government. It was also surveyed if the previous year's trends of the support of political parties still continue at the beginning of that year.
Verjetnostno: stratificiranoProbability.Stratified
Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI