The PHENOTIC platform gathers services for plant production and high-throughput phenotyping of plant material. The PHENOTIC platform develops approaches for phenotyping plants at two complementary scales: seeds and aerial parts of plants. Therefore, the purpose of the PHENOTIC platform is the phenotyping of all phases of the plant cycle, from seed germination to the flowering plant.

To this end, the PHENOTIC platform gathers tools for image acquisition and analysis. • Seed scale: Tools aiming at Seed-Phenotyping are mainly based at SNES-GEVES. Seeds and plantlets are phenotyped to characterize Seed quality. • Plant scale: Tools aiming at the phenotyping of the aerial parts of plants are mainly based inside the Research Institute for Horticulture and Seeds on the site of "Campus du Végétal" in Angers, FRANCE. These tools are dedicated to the phenotyping of plant-microbe interactions or to the phenotyping of the quality of horticultural products. Tools are positionned in a complex featuring S0, S2 and S3 biosafety levels greenhouses and climate chambers. Therefore such tools enable phenotyping plant architecture or plant microbe interactions involving genetically modified organisms and quarantine pests. that enable phenotyping approaches.

Phenotyping results obtained on the PHENOTIC platform may be used for:

• The characterization of plant species and their genetic diversity, breedin applications. • Search for the genetic determinism of complex plant traits (QTLs). • Optimisation and Settings for modelling. • Evaluation of plant resistance to pathogens. • Evaluation of virulence of pathogens. • Determination of "metabolic fingerprints" of microbial pathogenic strains (in collaboration with CIRM-CFBP - doi: 10.15454/1.5103266699001077E12 ). • Evaluation of seed vigour. • Characterization of the 3D architecture of horticultural plants.

The PHENOTIC platform leans on the research group ImHorPhen (Imaging for Horticultural Phenotyping) for R&D of novel phenotyping approaches.

Metadata Access
Creator Boureau, Tristan
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Boureau, Tristan; Belin, Etienne; Demilly, Didier; Gardet, Rémi
Publication Year 2020
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Boureau, Tristan (Université d'Angers, INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique); Belin, Etienne (Université d'Angers); Demilly, Didier (GEVES SNES); Gardet, Rémi (AgroCampus Ouest)
Resource Type Other; Dataset
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture; Life Sciences; Plant Science