Študija vključuje vzorce občinskih voditeljev. Osnovni namen je primerjalna študija vrednot lokalnih voditeljev v družbenih spremembah in razvoju občin.
The ICPSR version of this study includes samples of community leaders from three nations: the United States, India, and Yugoslavia. Respondents were selected from a total of 30 communities in each country. The study attempted a comparative examination of the impact of leaders' values on social change and development at the community level. The interviews yielded an Individual File for each nation (Parts 1-3). The variables in the Individual Files describe the leaders' social and occupational backgrounds and their views on community goals, as well as the problems facing local communities and possible solutions. The data also include several measures of the leaders' social and political values and aspirations. The Individual File for Yugoslavia (Part 3) does not include background variables, nor a series of open-ended questions probing more deeply into the above-mentioned topics, that are present in the other Individual Files. In addition, a community file was constructed for each nation (Parts 7-9), using aggregate data to describe social and economic conditions. Communities are also the units of analysis in the "activeness" files (Parts 4-6), which attempt an evaluation of the degree of social mobilization present in the communities - a combination of government initiatives and citizen participation. Part 10, Yugoslavia, Economic Data, contains economic indicators released in 1962 and 1966 for the sampled Yugoslav communities. Finally, the study provides summary statistics computed for the attitudes and values of community leaders in all the nations sampled (Part 11, All, Scales Data).
Neverjetnostno: namenskoNonprobability.Purposive
Non-probability: PurposiveNonprobability.Purposive
Osebni intervjuOsebni intervju, centralne in lokalne podatkovne baze (popis, uradna poročila, itd)Interview.FaceToFace
Face-to-face interviewpersonal interviews, central and local documentary sources (censuses, official reports, etc.)Interview.FaceToFace