Politična participacija in enakost v sedmih državah 1966-71
Raziskava je sestavljena iz sedmih delov, zbirke podatkov iz šestih držav (Avstrije, Indije, Japonske, Nizozemske, Nigerije in Jugoslavije) ter primerjalne mednarodne datoteke... -
Mednarodna raziskava o političnih vrednotah, 1966
Študija vključuje vzorce občinskih voditeljev. Osnovni namen je primerjalna študija vrednot lokalnih voditeljev v družbenih spremembah in razvoju občin. The ICPSR version of... -
Height and Weight of Students of the Citadel, the Military College of South C...
Aim of the study was the acquisition of the student’s nutritional condition at the military university “The Citadel” from 1878 to 1967. The following information was collected:... -
On scaling of scientific knowledge production in U.S. metropolitan areas
Data underlying the findings described in the study "On scaling of scientific knowledge production in U.S. metropolitan areas" by Önder Nomaler (School of Innovation Sciences,... -
Land footprint and ecological impacts of six American diets
This folder contains eight datasets. See scientific paper for more details on the methodology. Four datasets "land footprint_total/feed/food/grass.csv" indicate the spatial...