Sustainable Poverty Alleviation From Coastal Ecosystem Services: Household Survey in Kenya and Mozambique, 2013-2017


The objective of this research was to elicit data required for a quantitative assessment of the contribution of ecosystem services to wellbeing of the poor through a large standardized household survey administered to individuals.The survey was conducted in Kenya and Mozambique. The household survey aimed to sample a total of 1,200 household (600 household per country) and interview up to three people per household. The three respondents included the household head, spouse and a third randomly selected person in order to collect data on individual (i.e.) sub household access to ES.This project aims to better understand the links between ecosystem services (ES) and wellbeing in order to design and implement more effective interventions for poverty alleviation. We do this in the context of coastal, social-ecological systems in two poor African countries; Kenya and Mozambique. Despite recent policy and scientific interest in ES, there remain important knowledge gaps regarding how ecosystems actually contribute to wellbeing, and thus poverty alleviation. Following the ESPA framework, distinguishing ecological processes, 'final ES', 'capital inputs', 'goods' and 'values', this project is concerned with how these elements are interrelated to produce ES benefits, and focuses specifically on how these benefits are distributed to (potentially) benefit the poor, enhancing their wellbeing. We thus address the ESPA goal of understanding and promoting ways in which benefits to the poorest can be increased and more people can meet their basic needs, but we also identify conflicted tradeoffs, i.e. those which result in serious harm to either the ecosystem or poor people and which need urgent attention. Several fundamental questions are currently debated in international scientific and policy fora, relating to four major global trends which are likely to affect abilities of poor people to access ES benefits: (1) devolution of governance power and its impacts on local governance of ecosystems and production of ES, (2) unprecedented rates and scales of environmental change, particularly climate change, which are creating new vulnerabilities, opportunities and constraints, 'shifting baselines', and demanding radical changes in behaviour to cope, (3) market integration now reaches the most remote corners of the developing world, changing relationships between people and resources and motivations for natural resource management, (4) societal changes, including demographic, population, urbanisation and globalisation of culture, forge new relationships with ES and further decouple people from direct dependency on particular resources. Study sites have been chosen so as to gather empirical evidence to help answer key questions about how these four drivers of change affect abilities of poor people to benefit from ES. We aim for direct impact on the wellbeing of poor inhabitants of the rapidly transforming coastal areas in Mozambique and Kenya, where research will take place, while also providing indirect impact to coastal poor in other developing countries through our international impact strategy. Benefits from research findings will also accrue to multiple stakeholders at various levels. Local government, NGOs and civil society groups - through engagement with project activities, e.g. participation in workshops and exposure to new types of analysis and systems thinking. Donor organizations and development agencies - through research providing evidence to inform strategies to support sector development (e.g. fisheries, coastal planning and tourism development) and methods to understand and evaluate impacts of different development interventions - e.g. through tradeoff analysis and evaluation of the elasticities between ecosystem services and wellbeing. International scientific community - through dissemination of findings via conferences, scientific publications (open access), and from conceptual and theoretical development and new understandings of the multiple linkages between ecosystem services and wellbeing. Regional African scientists will benefit specifically through open courses offered within the scope of the project, and through dissemination of results at regional venues. Our strategies to deliver impact and benefits include (1) identifying 'windows of opportunity' within the context of ongoing coastal development processes to improve flows of benefits from ecosystems services to poor people, and (2) identifying and seeking to actively mitigate 'conflicted' tradeoffs in Kenya and Mozambique.

A structured questionnaire interview was used to collect the the data. The questionnaire covered the following section: subjective wellbeing, vulnerability, basic needs assessment, census data, general livelihoods information and detailed monetary and non-montary income from ecosystem services and other sources, cultural ecosystem services, food consumption and household assets. Three people were interviewed per household. The three respondents included the household head, spouse and a third randomly selected person in order to collect data on individual (i.e.) sub household access to ES.

Metadata Access
Creator Schulte-Herbrüggen, B, Stockholm Resilience Centre; Daw, T, Stockholm Resilience Centre; Wamukoto, A, Wildlife Conservation Society, Kenya; Ribeiro, E, University Eduardo Mondlane; Chaigneau, T, University of Exeter; Coulthard, S, Northumbria University; Hicks, C, Stanford University; Brown, K, University of Exeter; Sandbrook, C, University of Cambridge; Januchowski-Hartley, F, University of Exeter; Owuor, B, KEFRI (Kenya Forestry); Kraft, F, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference NERC
Rights Tim Daw, Stockholm Resilience Centre; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric; Text; Still image
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Kongowea, Tsunza, Vanga, Mkwiro in Kenya and Vamizi, Lalane, Marighanha and Mieze in Mozambique; Kenya; Mozambique