New ACV variables in the ZTF

The manifestation of surface spots on magnetic chemically peculiar (mCP) stars is most commonly explained by the atomic diffusion theory, which requires a calm stellar atmosphere and only moderate rotation. While very successful and well described, this theory still needs to be revised and fine-tuned to the observations. Our study aims to enlarge the sample of known photometrically variable mCP stars (ACV variables) to pave the way for more robust and significant statistical studies. We derive accurate physical parameters for these objects and discuss our results in the framework of the atomic diffusion theory. We studied 1314 candidate ACV variables that were selected from the Zwicky Transient Factory catalogue of periodic variables based on light curve characteristics. We investigated these objects using photometric criteria, a colour-magnitude diagram, and spectroscopic data from the LAMOST and Gaia missions to confirm their status as ACV variables. Our results confirm that the employed selection process is highly efficient for detecting ACV variables. We have identified 38 stars with v(equ) in excess of 150km/s (with extreme values up to 260km/s). This challenges current theories that cannot explain the occurrence of such fast-rotating mCP stars.

Cone search capability for table J/A+A/687/A211/tablea1 (The data for the 1232 new ACV variables)

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Creator Bauer-Fasching B.; Bernhard K.; Brandli E.; Burger H.; Eisele B.,Hummerich S.; Neuhold J.; Paunzen E.; Piecka M.; Ratzenbock S.; Prisegen M.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy