14,911 datasets found

Keywords: stellar astronomy

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  • Radio core dominance of Fermi/LAT-detected AGNs

    We present a sample of 4388 AGNs with available radio core-dominance parameters-defined as the ratio of the core flux densities to the extended ones, R=S_core_/S_ext._ - which...
  • Open Cluster Data 5th Edition

    This is a computer readable catalogue of open cluster data compiled by Gosta Lynga, Lund Observatory, Box 43, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden. The present file mainly details the...
  • Asiago Catalogue of QSOs

    The Asiago Catalog of 2004 Quasi Stellar Objects (QSOs) is an updated version of that published by Barbieri, Capaccioli and Zambon in 1975 (1975MmSAI..46..461B). Most of the...
  • Star Clusters/Associations. I. Associations

    The catalog contains data and bibliographical citations for all 70 associations of the second edition of the "Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations (CSCA)" edited by Alter...
  • The Million Quasars (Milliquas) catalogue, version 8

    This is a compendium of 907144 type-I QSOs and AGN, largely complete from the literature to 30 June 2023. 66,026 QSO candidates are also included, calculated via radio/X-ray...
  • Classifier catalogue of class II YSO posteriors

    A naive Bayes classifier for identifying Class II YSOs has been constructed and applied to a region of the Northern Galactic Plane containing 8 million sources with good quality...
  • The Million Quasars (Milliquas) catalogue, version 7.2

    This is a compendium of 829666 type-I QSOs and AGN, largely complete from the literature to 30 April 2021 including SDSS-DR16 quasars and VLASS radio. Also included are 703348...
  • SDSS quasar catalog, sixteenth data release (DR16Q)

    We present the final Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) quasar catalog from Data Release 16 of the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS). This catalog...
  • Extragalactic linear polarization meas. agglomeration

    In the framework of the Standard Model Extension (SME), we present improved constraints on anisotropic Lorentz invariance and Charge-Parity-Time (CPT) violation by searching for...
  • SDSS quasar catalog, fourteenth data release

    We present the data release 14 Quasar catalog (DR14Q) from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV). This...
  • Gaia DR2 quasar and galaxy classification

    We provide probabilistic quasar and galaxy classifications for 2.7 million sources in Gaia Data Release 2. This has been achieved using a supervised classification method...
  • The Million Quasars (Milliquas) catalog (6.3)

    This is a compendium of 623,004 type-I QSOs and AGN, largely complete from the literature to 15 June 2019 including SDSS-DR15 and LAMOST QSO DR5. Also included are approx 1.32M...
  • The Million Quasars (Milliquas) catalog (V5.2)

    This is a compendium of 607,208 type-I QSOs and AGN, largely complete from the literature to 5-August-2017, including the release of SDSS-DR14. Also included are ~1.35M...
  • SDSS quasar catalog: twelfth data release

    We present the Data Release 12 Quasar catalog (DR12Q) from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyIII. This catalog includes all...
  • The Million Quasars (Milliquas) catalog

    This is a compendium of 452,794 type-I QSOs and AGN, largely complete from the literature to 21 June 2016. Also included are ~900K high-confidence quasar candidates from...
  • Second Byurakan Survey. General Catalogue

    The Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) General Catalogue is presented. The SBS, a continuation of the Markarian survey reaching fainter limiting magnitudes, is the first survey which...
  • The Roma BZCAT - 5th edition

    The Roma-BZCAT is now at the 5th Edition which contains coordinates and multi-frequency data of 3561 sources, about 30% more than in the 1st edition, either confirmed blazars or...
  • The Half Million Quasars (HMQ) catalogue

    A quasar catalogue is presented with a total of 510764 objects including 424748 type 1 QSOs and 26623 type 1 AGN complete from the literature to 25 January 2015. Also included...
  • Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters

    We have assembled 560 recent measurements from the literature of distances of Galactic globular clusters and found revised distance estimates for 154 of the 157 clusters in the...
  • SDSS quasar catalog: tenth data release

    We present the Data Release 10 Quasar (DR10Q) catalog from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. The catalog includes all BOSS...
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