Photometric and Spectroscopic Databases for LSS Stars
This catalog contains databases of published photoelectric UBVbeta data, MK-system spectral classifications, and Stroemgren four-color uvby photometry for objects in the... -
SAO and Supplementary Data
This SAO catalogue (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalogue of 258,997 stars, 1966; see catalog ), connected to the CSI (Catalogue of Stellar Identifications, see... -
Catalogue of LMC stars
This catalogue is a compilation of the original data related to stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC); it concerns essentially the stars brighter than m_pg_=13.5. The list... -
Photometry and Spectroscopy for Luminous Stars
This catalogue supersedes the previous version (VI/92). The last update is 01 July 2005. This project originated in the summer of 1991 when the author began compiling a... -
Galactic O star catalog
We have produced a catalog of 378 Galactic O stars with accurate spectral classifications that is complete for V<8 but includes many fainter stars. The catalog provides... -
NGP G5-M stars RV, DDO and BV photometry
Radial velocities are given for some 900 stars within 15{deg} of the North Galactic Pole, including almost all such stars classified G5 or latter in the Henry-Draper Catalogue... -
Galactic kinematics from YSOs sample
Based on published sources, we have created a kinematic database on 220 massive (>10M_{sun}) young Galactic star systems located within <3 kpcof the Sun. Out of them,... -
New spectral types for Tycho2 stars
We compare the spectroscopic and trigonometric parallaxes of common stars from the Tycho-2 Spectral Type and Hipparcos Catalogues. This comparison has revealed that the distance... -
M giants in Cassiopeia
Coordinates and identifications for M-type stars in Cassiopeia Cone search capability for table J/PASJ/33/107/table (Catalog of M-, C- and S-type stars) -
Stellar Spectral Classification. II.
The method developed by Stock & Stock (1999RMxAA..35..143S) for stars of spectral types A to K to derive absolute magnitudes and intrinsic colors from the equivalent widths... -
Hot emission-line stars in LAMOST DR5
We present a catalog of 3339 hot emission-line stars (ELSs) identified from 451 695 O, B and A type spectra, provided by LAMOST Data Release 5 (DR5). We developed an automated... -
M-giant star candidates in LAMOST DR 1
We perform a discrimination procedure with the spectral index diagram of TiO_5_ and CaH_2_+CaH_3_ to separate M giants from M dwarfs. Using the M giant spectra identified from... -
L and T dwarf stars
The establishment of new spectral classes cooler than type M has had a brief, yet already rich, history. Prototypes of the new "L dwarf" and "T dwarf" classes were first found... -
B stars UBV and SpType catalogue
The present work represents a catalogue of spectral classification and photometric data of 2047 B type stars using the {Delta}Q method. Cone search capability for table... -
FBS 10th list of red stars
A 10th list of late-type M and C stars found on plates of the First Byurakan Spectral Sky Survey in the -11{deg}<{delta}<-7{deg} belt within area of about 1070{deg}^2^ is... -
Neural networks for spectral classification
Due to the ever-expanding volume of observed spectroscopic data from surveys such as SDSS and LAMOST, it has become important to apply artificial intelligence (AI) techniques... -
Unclassified B[e] stars in the MW, SMC and LMC
We investigated 12 unclassified B[e] stars or candidates, 8 from the Galaxy, 2 from the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and 2 from the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Based on the... -
Berkeley 51 UBV photometry
The heavily obscured open cluster Berkeley 51 shows characteristics typical of young massive clusters, even though the few previous studies have suggested older ages. We combine... -
Red-giant stars classification
Determining the ages of red-giant stars is a key problem in stellar astrophysics. One of the difficulties in this determination is to know the evolutionary state of the... -
Metal-rich SX Phe stars in Kepler field
A spectroscopic and photometric analysis has been carried out for 32 candidate SX Phe variable blue straggler stars in the Kepler field. Radial velocities (RVs), space motions...