Supplemental Materials for: "De-emphasise, Aggregate, and Hide: A Study on Interactive Visual Transformations for Group Structures in Network Visualisations"


This dataset contains the supplemental materials for our publication "De-emphasise, Aggregate, and Hide: A Study on Interactive Visual Transformations for Group Structures in Network Visualisations". The publication reports on an experiment that we conducted to explore the effects of different interactive visual transformations in network drawings on the user performance. We evaluated five specific visual transformations and one control condition in five different tasks and collected data on user performance (time, accuracy), usefulness, mental effort, subjective preference, as well as some metrics of user interaction, such as usage of zoom and pan operations and the application of the visual transformations.

Within these supplemental materials, we share the following:

network and task data results data analysis code example images of the study demonstration videos of the interface participants demographic overview

The experiment was preregistered on OSF before it was conducted. The preregistration can be found at

Metadata Access
Creator Aichem, Michael ORCID logo; Klein, Karsten ORCID logo; Kobourov, Stephen ORCID logo; Schreiber, Falk ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Aichem, Michael
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference DFG 251654672
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Aichem, Michael (University of Konstanz)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/pdf; application/zip; type/x-r-syntax; video/mp4
Size 109850; 636682; 1664047; 11327052; 7242; 27992361; 95855322; 40926
Version 2.0
Discipline Other