Femoral heads


Bone marrow aspirates of 50 non-malignant cases, 25 MDS patients and 50 AML patients were subjected to ten-color/twelve-parameter flow cytometry for the analysis of the Ki-67 proliferative indices and Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic indices in CD34 positive blast cells, erythroid cells, myeloid cells and monocytic cells. Data were acquired with the NAVIOS Flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter, Marseille, France).

DOI https://doi.org/10.34894/9LXD6X
Metadata Access https://dataverse.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34894/9LXD6X
Creator Stefan Mestrum
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Stefan Mestrum
Publication Year 2023
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Stefan Mestrum
Resource Type Collection; Dataset
Format application/octet-stream
Size 22042887; 19888909; 22403147; 18622018; 22088130; 22296862; 23550914; 23877696; 56176831; 52825947; 51134845; 53331910; 55582199; 50079502; 52757080; 54168479; 55593627; 54264942; 53798311; 51530391; 52983072; 52489078; 53703717; 51752423; 52171806; 47527918; 52024579; 55337647; 90199801; 87365677; 90199802; 88989281; 83256469; 88613174; 53651078; 54586537; 51520674; 52056066; 54020969; 34341376; 36312009; 47376539; 47140199; 47407854; 44978375; 48156028; 45169367; 45757957; 55462138; 55253336; 52733333; 51432097; 52056090; 35400680; 43486266; 43150294; 41545075; 40840284; 43439017; 43021528; 40950532; 42627936; 46815478; 45785788; 43907484; 41328513; 45411657; 43659529; 42472419; 36377098; 35340357; 34595543; 34251006; 37217877; 32301891; 33408248; 48569489; 47339005; 45382134; 43980458; 45506155; 44874259; 42840519; 38571090; 38415568; 37682452; 38239623; 38993668; 38786841; 38971957; 44449015; 44256056; 42336531; 43551154; 43732438; 42466488; 42712447; 58942799; 56712147; 55655004; 56857928; 55727817; 55623503; 56101928; 54278819; 55633319; 54509215; 54837791; 55973879; 55284828; 56003468
Version 1.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine