Replication data for: A game theoretic analysis of research data sharing Modeling costs and benefits with sharing data for individual researchers and the scientific community


The R-scripts and data in this study can be used to reproduce figures in the associated paper, which is based on a simulation of a scientific community. Model description: We construct a model in which there is a cost associated with sharing datasets whereas reusing such sets implies a benefit. In our calculations conflicting interests appear for researchers. Individual researchers are al ways better off not sharing and omitting the sharing cost, at the same time both sharing and not sharing researchers are better off if (almost) all researchers share. Namely, the more researchers share, the more benefit can be gained by the reuse of those datasets. We simulated several policy measures to increase benefits for researchers sharing or reusing datasets. Results point out that, although policies should be able to increase the rate of sharing researchers, and increased discoverability and dataset quality could partly compensate for costs, a better measure would be to directly lower the cost for sharing, or even turn it into a (citation-) benefit.

3.0.2, 3.0.2

Metadata Access
Creator Pronk, T.E.; Wiersma, P.H.; Weerden, van A.; Schieving, F.
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Tessa Pronk
Publication Year 2014
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Tessa Pronk (Utrecht University Library)
Resource Type program source code, collected data on publications per researcher per year; Dataset
Format text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; application/octet-stream
Size 1813; 4007; 4490; 4572; 5927; 2742; 502; 58701
Version 4.0
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage Utrecht University Library