2027-11-29 - Cape Peninsula University of Technology - CoreTrustSeal Requirem...
CoreTrustSeal certification -
2027-11-29 - Prince of Songkla University Knowledge Bank - CoreTrustSeal Requ...
CoreTrustSeal certification -
2027-12-12 - KonDATA - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2023-2025
CoreTrustSeal certification -
Replication Data for: Virtual fencing in remote boreal forests: performance o...
This dataset contains all the raw data sets, processing code, and analysis for reproducing and replicating the analysis for the article: Virtual fencing in remote boreal... -
Replication data for: "Sex Differences in Prelimbic Cortex Calcium Dynamics D...
This dataset includes all the data collected and analysed for the paper titled "Sex Differences in Prelimbic Cortex Calcium Dynamics During Stress and Fear Learning", published... -
2027-11-29 - The CLARIN Centre at the University of Copenhagen - CoreTrustSea...
CoreTrustSeal certification -
Optimum Blue Light Exposure: A Means to Increase Cell-Specific Productivity i...
Raw Data for manuscript titled Optimum Blue Light Exposure: A Means to Increase Cell-Specific Productivity in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells This dataset was generated from... -
Multi-storey Timber Buildings and Design and Construction Stakeholder Constel...
This repository contains a collection of data on 99 contemporary multi-storey timber building projects in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), designed and... -
Usage of online panels in survey-methodology field, 2016
Študija je sistematični pregled, katerega cilj je oceniti (i) značilnosti spletnih panelov, ki se uporabljajo v anketni metodologiji, (ii) kakovost teh spletnih panelov, (iii)... -
Lokalna in regionalna razvojna jedra
Namen raziskave je proučiti razvojne potenciale, inovativne akterje in podporne institucije (kot so inkubatorji in tehnološki parki), kako se v neki regiji oblikujejo, kako med... -
Social support of students of High School Bežigrad (2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
DAIS: the Delft Database for EEG recordings of Dutch articulated and imagined...
Here, we present a database consisting of electroencephalography (EEG) and speech data from 20 participants recorded during the covert (imagined) and actual articulation of 15... -
The water system vulnerability change and future prospects of Perth, Australia
This master thesis investigated the change in water vulnerability for the city of Perth comparing the periods around 1975 with 2019. Furthermore, it assessed if the current... -
FAIRsFAIR (Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe) Project outputs
This dataset contains the output from the FAIRsFAIR project. Date Submitted: 2023-01-12 Files not yet migrated to Data Station. For access to these files, please contact DANS... -
Nederlandse gedragscode wetenschappelijke integriteit
Voor het goed functioneren van wetenschap is wetenschappelijke integriteit van essentieel belang. Dit geldt voor alle disciplines. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek ontleent zijn... -
EOSC-SYNERGY Landscaping Country Report The Netherlands
This dataset has been replaced with a new version: see the 'Relations' for the current version. This landscape analysis report aims to provide an overview of the policies,... -
Evaluation of DANS EASY repository based on the FAIR principles
This paper investigates the extent to which the FAIR data principles are implemented in EASY, the Core Trust Seal-certified digital repository of DANS. Based on Boehmer’s... -
gereviewde datasets in EASY
Peer review en recensies beperken zich doorgaans tot wetenschappelijke publicaties. De databestanden waarop wetenschappelijk onderzoek is gebaseerd, worden zelden expliciet... -
Suomen kriisinhallintaosallistumisen vaikuttavuus Afganistanissa: haastattelu...
Aineisto koostuu kriisinhallinnan toimijoiden haastatteluista, joissa he kertovat Suomen kriisinhallintatoiminnasta Afganistaniin liittyvissä kansainvälisissä... -
2027-11-13 - NIDA Wisdom Repository - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2020-2022
CoreTrustSeal certification