Identifier | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.34894/7KNEOH |
Metadata Access | https://dataverse.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34894/7KNEOH |
Representation | |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Format | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; video/mp4; text/plain |
Size | 18238; 21263; 65504; 27788; 19565; 24922488; 26260; 40139116; 15295; 39170947; 10497; 60024446; 9037; 84226975; 9127; 48343341; 12452; 43566895; 9790; 77944000; 10549; 86195988; 10093; 39813293; 8237; 56646917; 9886; 46738126; 8563; 63517245; 8290; 73935581; 8530; 65437025; 10540; 38611497; 9810; 32240929; 8758; 43760988; 5109; 155566456; 63979232; 10143; 9307; 70625289; 9669; 62931400; 9595; 53405418; 43222146; 77124916; 9372; 53372385; 12229; 34576156; 49332815; 47571316; 48805633; 79123492; 60192895; 49076447; 32440162; 75817184; 64630983; 141469927; 53727106; 90177801; 69262537; 66927556; 85829998; 49573948; 53463861; 65924738; 47102934; 56951837; 61577583; 44155395; 55548311; 3801; 15667; 28365 |
Version | 1.0 |
Discipline | Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Mathematics; Natural Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences |