Source code for the calculation of the re-normalized mean resultant length
This source code was published as supporting material for the article: Ralph G. Andrzejak, Anaïs Espinoso, Eduardo García-Portugués, Arthur Pewsey, Jacopo Epifanio, Marc G.... -
Transcripciones de 34 episodios de clase en los que se trabaja la introducció...
Los datos que se presentan son transcripciones de episodios de aula registrados en audio y video. Cada episodio queda definido por la identificación de una conexión matemática,... -
Source code to study intra-layer synchronization in multilayer chimera state ...
We here provide the MATLAB source codes [format (.m)] underlying the following manuscript: Andrzejak RG and Espinoso A (2023): Chimera states in multiplex networks:... -
Dynamical systems and stochastic simulations software (autocatalytic replicat...
Included in the folder: Numerical solutions for Hamiltonian system (computation of action, flight times, transients) and Gillespie algorithms Subject: Stochastic saddle-node... -
Replication Data for: A serial founder effect model of phonemic diversity bas...
It has been observed that the number of phonemes in languages in use today tends to decrease with increasing distance from Africa. A previous formal model has recently... -
Replication Data for: Una actividad de comprensión lectora y de modelización ...
Activitat didàctica de comprensió lectora i de modelització matemàtica per alumnes de sisè curs d'educació primària (11-12 anys). L'activitat consisteix en dues pràctiques: una,... -
Code accompanying the paper "A novel algebraic approach to time-reversible ev...
This repository contains Macaulay2 and Julia files with the code to compute phylogenetic invariants for the Tamura-Nei 93 evolutionary model. -
Replication Data for 'Explicit Geometry: Integrating Music and Mathematics in...
This dataset provides supplementary information to the article "Explicit Geometry: Integrating Music and Mathematics in Architectural Design". It includes Asymptote-graphics... -
Données de réplication pour : Mathematical model of the behavior of mesenchym...
In vitro data of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue stem cells in culture for a mathematical model -
Revisiting dilution and barrier to better disentangle their effects on epidem...
This Python notebook encodes the numerical computations related to the article "Revisiting dilution and barrier to better disentangle their effects on epidemics in crop mixtures" -
Global sensitivity analysis code and input data for PESHMELBA
Global sensitivity analysis code and input data (sample and SA indices) for PESHMELBA for the paper "How to perform global sensitivity analysis of a catchment-scale,... -
R codes for Robustness of normality-based likelihood ratio tests for interact...
This page includes R codes for all studies discussed in the manuscript Robustness of normality-based likelihood ratio tests for interaction in two-mode data and a... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH AccNr 60/2012
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
Rektorbuch RA 653 - University of Heidelberg
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH XII 2 96
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH SG 502
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH SG 501
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH XII 2 87
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH SG 11
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH SG 5
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects....