Challenges of Depth Estimation for Transparent Objects
Challenges of Depth Estimation for Transparent Objects Context and methodology This dataset was created to investigate the limitations of current method targeting depth... -
Celestial reference frame 2023 from VGOS sessions
Context and methodology Celestial reference frame estimated from Very Long Baseline Interferometry VGOS-OPS and VGOS-R&D sessions. Technical details GENERATION TIME:... -
The Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model (S1GBM) - Mapping Earth's Land Surfac...
This dataset was generated by the Remote Sensing Group of the TU Wien Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (https://mrs.geo.tuwien.ac.at/), within a dedicated project by the... -
Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental co...
Description of the dataset The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality... -
Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental co...
The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality parameters in different... -
Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental co...
The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality parameters in different... -
The data descriptor paper can be accessed here: https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-1063-2022 Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) describes the amount of carbohydrates that is produced... -
LongEval 2024 Train Collection
The collection consists of queries and documents provided by the Qwant search Engine (https://www.qwant.com). The queries, which were issued by the users of Qwant, are based on... -
ORCAS-I is an annotated version of ORCAS dataset (Craswell et al., 2020) annotated with user intents using weak supervision. It allows you to train your algorithm on various... -
INDIGO Change Detection Reference Dataset
The INDIGO Change Detection Reference Dataset Description This graffiti-centred change detection dataset was developed in the context of INDIGO, a research project focusing on... -
The MAREC/IREC data set
MAREC/IREC: The MAtrixware REsearch Collection / The Information retrieval facility Research Collection MAREC/IREC is a static collection of over 19 million patent applications... -
Sentinel-1 Flood Maps Using A Topographic Index As Prior In Bayesian Inference
Background The TUWien flood mapping algorithm is a Sentinel-1 based workflow using Bayes Inference at the pixel level. However, priors in its formulation have, so far, been... -
3D Reconstruction Model of the Former Synagogue in the Siebenbrunnengasse 1a,...
This record contains model data originally created in the framework of seminar work of Andreas Muttenthaler at TU Wien (2001). Facts: Association synagogue of the Beth Aharon... -
SilviLaser 2021 Benchmark Dataset - Terrestrial Challenge
This benchmark dataset was acquired during the SilviLaser conference 2021 in Vienna. The benchmark aims to demonstrate the different terrestrial system's capabilities for... -
SilviLaser 2021 Benchmark Dataset - Terrestrial Challenge
This benchmark dataset was acquired during the SilviLaser conference 2021 in Vienna. The benchmark aims to demonstrate the different terrestrial system's capabilities for... -
Behavioral Correlates of Environmental Familiarity (Metadata)
Behavioral Correlates of Environmental Familiarity in Pedestrian Wayfinders This repository contains all the data collected during my MSCA Global Fellowship (duration:... -
Do You Need Instructions Again? Predicting Wayfinding Instruction Demand
How to Cite? Alinaghi, N., Kwok, T. C., Kiefer, P., & Giannopoulos, I. (2023, September). Do You Need Instructions Again? Predicting Wayfinding Instruction Demand. In... -
Reality Capture automated image alignment
This video shows the use of Reality Capture photogrammetric structure-from-motions software in combination with a bat-script for automated processing of images into a 3D model.... -
Phase diagram and superconductivity of Calcium Alanates under pressure
Context and methodology This repository contains the data of the related paper on the high-pressure phase diagram and superconducting properties of Calcium Borohydrides... -
RAAV - Collected data from mobility diaries from people surveyed in the RAAV ...
General description The project "Rural Accessibility and Automated Vehicles (RAAV)" project aims to investigate the impacts on individual accessibility through the...