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Alinaghi, N., Kwok, T. C., Kiefer, P., & Giannopoulos, I. (2023, September). Do You Need Instructions Again? Predicting Wayfinding Instruction Demand. In GIScience 2023.
The demand for instructions during wayfinding, defined as the frequency of requesting instructions for each decision point, can be considered as an important indicator of the internal cognitive processes during wayfinding. This demand can be a consequence of the mental state of feeling lost, being uncertain, mind wandering, having difficulty following the route, etc. Therefore, it can be of great importance for theoretical cognitive studies on human perception of the environment. From an application perspective, this demand can be used as a measure of the effectiveness of the navigation assistance system. It is therefore worthwhile to be able to predict this demand and also to know what factors trigger it. This paper takes a step in this direction by reporting a successful prediction of instruction demand (accuracy of 78.4%) in a real-world wayfinding experiment with 45 participants, and interpreting the environmental, user, instructional, and gaze-related features that caused it.
All data is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, and all software files are licensed under the MIT License.
Data: A CSV file containing 75 computed features for classifying instruction demand. These include 41 Environmental, 16 Instruction-, 12 User-related, and 6 Gaze features. Detailed explanations of all features and how they are computed are provided in the accompanying paper. But here you can see a summary of these features:
Environmental Features:
distance from/to previous/next turn junctions
distance from/to previous/next non-turn junctions
time passed since start
User Features:
gender (binary)
age (in years)
familiarity (binary)
Big Five Personality traits
Spatial Strategies Questionnaire FRS
Instruction Features
number of words
number of characters
landmark OSM type
contains-street-names (boolean)
last instruction (boolean)
Gaze Features
fixation count
min/max/sd fixation
mean fixation duration
fixation duration skewness
Code: The analysis code used in the paper is available as a Jupyter Notebook.