XMM-Newton Survey Catalog in the Herschel-ATLAS Field
Wide area X-ray and far-infrared surveys are a fundamental tool to investigate the link between AGN growth and star formation, especially in the low-redshift universe (z <... -
XMM-Newton Accepted Targets
This database table contains the current target list of the X-ray Multi-Mirror Newton (XMM-Newton) mission including those in (i) the routine calibration plan, (ii) the... -
XMM-Newton Medium Deep Survey/VIRMOS VLT Deep Survey 4-Sigma Catalog
The XMM-Newton Medium Deep Survey/VIRMOS VLT Deep Survey (XMDS/VVDS) 4-Sigma Catalog contains 286 X-ray sources with their optical identification taken from the XMDS survey... -
DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey Fields Chandra Point Source Catalog
This table contains the X-ray point-source catalog produced from the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS-I) observations of the combined ~3.2... -
XMM-Newton Cluster Survey Catalog, DR1 Version
The XMM Cluster Survey (XCS) is a serendipitous search for galaxy clusters using all publicly available data in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. Its main aims are to measure... -
Copernicus X-Ray Observations
Copernicus was the third satellite in the OAO program. It was launched the 21 august of 1972 and operated till 1981. The main instrument was an ultraviolet telescope with a... -
The XBootes Survey is a 5 ks Chandra survey of the Bootes Field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). This survey is unique in that it is the largest (9.3 square degrees)... -
XBOOTES: NDWFS Bootes Field X-Ray Point Source Catalog
The XBootes table contains the X-Ray point source catalog from a Chandra survey of the 9 square degrees Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). This XBootes... -
WSRT Galactic Plane Compact 327-MHz Source Catalog
The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in the Netherlands has been used to survey the section of the galactic plane from +42 to +92 degrees Galactic Longitude l at a... -
AKARI NEP WSRT 20-cm Source Catalog
The Westerbork Radio Synthesis Telescope (WSRT) has been used in 2004 to make a deep radio survey of an ~1.7 degree<sup>2</sup> field coinciding with the AKARI north... -
The VIIth Catalog of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars
The VIIth Catalogue of Galactic Population I Wolf-Rayet (WR) Stars provides improved coordinates, spectral types, and bv photometry of known WR stars and adds 71 new stars... -
Woolley Catalog of Stars within 25 Parsecs
This catalog was constructed at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in order to enlarge the Gliese (1957, Mitt. Astron. Rechen-Inst., Ser. A, No. 8) compilation. It contains data on... -
Wood Interacting Binaries Catalog
This catalog, also called the Finding List (FL) of Interacting Binaries (5th edition), was abstracted from the Card Catalog maintained at the University of Florida which... -
WMAP Nine-Year Five-Band Point Source Catalog
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is designed to produce all-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy. The WMAP 9-Year Point Source Catalog... -
WMAP 7-Year Internal Templates and Needlets New Source Catalog
The authors have developed a new needlet-based method to detect point sources in cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps and have applied it to the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy... -
WMAP Nine-Year CMB-Free QVW Point Source Catalog
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is designed to produce all-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy. The WMAP 9-Year CMB-Free Point Source... -
Westerbork in the Southern Hemisphere (WISH) Source Catalog
The Westerbork in the Southern Hemishpere (WISH) is a low-frequency (352 MHz) radio survey that covers most of the sky (the Galactic Plane region |b| < 10 degrees is... -
2WHSP Catalog of High Synchrotron Peaked Blazars and Candidates
High Synchrotron Peaked blazars (HSPs) dominate the gamma-ray sky at energies larger than a few GeV, however only a few hundred blazars of this type have been catalogued so far.... -
WISE Blazar-like Radio-Loud Source (WIBRaLS) Catalog
This table contains a catalog of radio-loud candidate gamma-ray emitting blazars with WISE mid-infrared colors similar to the colors of confirmed gamma-ray blazars. The catalog... -
ROSAT Catalog PSPC WGA Sources
WGACAT is a point source catalog generated from all ROSAT PSPC pointed observations. This catalog has been generated by N.E. White (HEASARC/GSFC), P. Giommi (SDC/ASI) and L....