TAD-Net: An Approach for Realtime Action Detection Based on TCN and GCN in Di...
We proposed a real-time detection approach for shop-floor production action, this approach took the sequence data of continuous human skeleton joints sequence as input,... -
ECS: European Company Survey
The European Company Surveys (ECS) are conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound). The European Company Survey (ECS)... -
Integrated Poverty and Living Conditions Indicator System (IPOLIS)
IPOLIS is an abbreviation for Integrated Poverty and Living Conditions Indicator System. IPOLIS is a platform to improve infrastructure for monitoring, analysing and evaluating... -
YouthSTATS is a global database on youth labour market indicators developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Programme on Youth Employment (YEP) and the... -
Comparative Family Policy Database
The Comparative Family Policy Database consists of two distinct databases: the Comparative Family Cash Benefits Database and the Comparative Maternity, Parental, and Childcare... -
The GINI Project
The GINI Project studies the economic and educational drivers and the social, cultural and political impacts of increasing inequality with novel contributions on the measurement... -
As EUR-Lex provides a gateway to all EU legislation, the N-Lex database meets the same goals on a national level. The database offers: - an interface between users and... -
OECD Social Expenditure Database , OECD SOCX
The OECD Social Expenditure Database (SOCX) has been developed in order to serve a growing need for indicators of social policy. It includes reliable and internationally... -
CIS: Community Innovation Survey
The Community Innovation Survey (CIS) based innovation statistics are part of the EU science and technology statistics. Surveys are carried out with two years' frequency by EU... -
Child Benefit Dataset , CBD
The Child Benefit Dataset (CBD) is an ongoing research project at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (Stockholm University). The aim of the data-set is to improve... -
WageIndicator , WI
The WageIndicator Foundation aims to provide national and international comparative information on wages and related issues. Its website gives access to national salary checks... -
TAD-Net: An Approach for Realtime Action Detection Based on TCN and GCN in Di...
We proposed a real-time detection approach for shop-floor production action, this approach took the sequence data of continuous human skeleton joints sequence as input,... -
The Integrated European Population Microdata (IEPM)
The Integrated European Population Microdata (IEPM) database is under construction. With the funding by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States,... -
Social Benefit Recipients Database , OECD SOCR
The Social Benefit and Recipients Database by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is the first database that presents comparable information on the... -
International Labour Organization Statistics Database , ILOSTAT
The ILOSTAT database is the central statistics database of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and provides annual, quarterly and monthly labour market statistics for... -
Social Insurance Entitlement Dataset , SIED
The Social Insurance Entitlements Dataset is a dataset within the Social Policy Indicators (SPIN) database, the latter with the aim of getting a better view of the ways in which... -
DICE: Database for Institutional Comparisons in Europe
The Database for Institutional Comparison in Europe (DICE) is run by the German economic research institute Information and Forschung (ifo). The website provides cross-country... -
FRDB-IZA Social Reforms Database
The FRDB-IZA Social Reforms Database, provided by Fondazione Rodolfo DeBendetti and the Institute for the Study of Labour, is a database that aims to develop a comprehensive... -
ESENER: European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks
EU-OSHA’s European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) is an extensive survey that looks at how European workplaces manage safety and health risks in... -
Harmonised European Time Use Survey , HETUS
The HETUS database compiles comparative time use data taken from the Harmonised European Time Use Surveys. These surveys have been carried out by national statistics institutes....