ICTWSS: database on institutional characteristics of trade unions, wage setti...
The ICTWSS database is an industrial relations indicators database made available by Jelle Visser of AIAS. This data source contains annual quantitative and quantified... -
The Chartbook of Economic Inequality
This Chartbook presents the empirical evidence about long-run changes in economic inequality. The chartbook covers 25 countries – often over the course of more than one hundred... -
ESJS: European Skills and Jobs Survey
The Cedefop European Skills and Jobs Survey (ESJS) is the first European survey dedicated to collecting information on the match between employees’ skills and the skills needed... -
Gender Statistics Database
The Gender Statistics Database provides a broad overview of statistics on gender as well as information on the various aspects of (in)equality between women and men. These... -
TAD-Net: An Approach for Realtime Action Detection Based on TCN and GCN in Di...
We proposed a real-time detection approach for shop-floor production action, this approach took the sequence data of continuous human skeleton joints sequence as input,... -
WSI: Minimum Wage Database
The WSI Minimum Wage Database is constructed by WSI, an institute from the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, and focusses on minimum wages across Europe and in some non-European countries.... -
LIS Family Policy Database
The LIS Family Policy Database is a database designed to link information on family policy to micro data outcomes in the LIS dataset. It contains statistics and quantified... -
TAD-Net: An Approach for Realtime Action Detection Based on TCN and GCN in Di...
We proposed a real-time detection approach for shop-floor production action, this approach took the sequence data of continuous human skeleton joints sequence as input,... -
Comparative Welfare States Dataset
The Comparative Welfare States (CWS) Dataset provides an array of welfare state, economic, institutional, political, policy, and demographic indicators at the country-level. The... -
EU Labour Force Survey (EU LFS)
The EU LFS is a large household sample survey providing quarterly results on labour participation of people aged 15 and over as well as on persons outside the labour force. All... -
Social Citizenship Indicator Program , SCIP
The Social Citizenship Indicator Program (SCIP) covers institutional structures of core social insurance programs. Detailed information are provided on citizens’ rights and... -
ILO Social Security Programmes and Mechanisms Database
On the basis of textual information, the Social Security Database offers statistically usable information on social security programmes. Three types of possible usage justify... -
TAD-Net: An Approach for Realtime Action Detection Based on TCN and GCN in Di...
We proposed a real-time detection approach for shop-floor production action, this approach took the sequence data of continuous human skeleton joints sequence as input,... -
Social Assistance Explorer
The social assistance explorer contains a harmonised panel dataset of social assistance indicators spanning 2000-2015. It has been developed to support comparative research on... -
Database on transnational company agreements
The Database on transnational company agreements is the result of the cooperation between the International Labour Organisation and the European Commission. The database... -
OECD Funded and Private Pensions
The OECD Funded and Private Pensions database is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and includes the Global Pension Statistics Project,... -
TAD-Net: An Approach for Realtime Action Detection Based on TCN and GCN in Di...
We proposed a real-time detection approach for shop-floor production action, this approach took the sequence data of continuous human skeleton joints sequence as input,... -
Income and living conditions EUROSTAT
Statistics on income, social inclusion and living conditions cover objective and subjective aspects of these themes in both monetary and non-monetary terms for both households... -
Modeling and Application of Cross-scale Human Behavior towards Digital Twin
As an important enabling way to upgrade shop-floor digitally and intelligently, the digital twin shop-floor has been paid much attention to the manufacturing. The digital twin... -
Parental Leave Benefit Dataset , PLB
The Parental Leave Benefit Dataset is a dataset within the Social Policy Indicators (SPIN) database, the latter with the aim of getting a better view of the ways in which...