Ring-shear test data of garnet sand used for analogue modelling in the experi...
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on garnet sand used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for “strong” or “high density”... -
Sedimentological, geochemical and biological data of sediment cores from lake...
The depletion of dissolved oxygen in lakes (hypoxia) is an ongoing phenomenon that put under risk ecological systems and impact sedimentary environments. This phenomenon is... -
CRM-geothermal - gas geochemical results of pump tests at borehole GWDD-001 o...
The EU funded project “CRM geothermal”, aims to establish an overview of the potential for raw materials in geothermal fluids for a large range of CRM elements across the EU and... -
Global DAS Month 2023, Teleseismic Event Recordings, Potsdam Fiber
The here referenced dataset provides eventbased Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) recordings made with an approximately 22 km long dark telecommunication fiber lying in urban... -
SUA PEJ: Swarm Polar Electrojet
Recent studies have shown that when a polar-orbiting satellite, in an altitude range similar to the Swarm satellites (ESA's Earth Observation constellation mission), passes the... -
Swarm small-scale field-aligned current (FAC): dual-satellite method
The Swarm (ESA's Earth Observation constellation mission) Level 2 time series of field-aligned and radial current densities along the orbit using the dual-satellite method for... -
fdsnws_scripts: a collection of next generation distributed data request tool...
fdsnws_scripts is a collection of next generation distributed data request tools that are based on FDSN web services and the EIDA routing service. You may use these tools to... -
Dataset to: Sourcing and Long-Range Transport of Particulate Organic Matter i...
The data package encompasses field data of clastic and organic sediment, river width and flow velocities of six river transects along the Rio Bermejo, Argentina. The laboratory... -
GFZ Metadata Schema for International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN) and docum...
This publication includes the metadata schema and documentation for the registration of International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN) by GFZ Data Services between 2015 and 2024.... -
Administrative boundaries of selected certified International Dark Sky Places
This is a publication of maps of areas certified as "International Dark Sky Places" (IDSP) by DarkSky International (formerly the International Dark-Sky Association). The maps... -
CHAMP ME Orbit Counter
This dataset is an add-on to the CHAMP Level 3 Magnetic/Electric Field (ME) data files of the `LEO' satellite 'CHAMP'. It contains the date, time and location of the CHAMP... -
Bericht zum Bohrlochtemperatur-Logging und zu Messungen thermisch-hydraulisch...
This report summarizes the measurements carried out by the GFZ Potsdam on the boreholes Gt S 6/17 and Gt S 7/20 in Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). The first part of... -
GFZ Thermal Petrophysics Lab – Data Report 2024-01: Thermal properties of the...
This data publication provides the results of the investigations and measurements of thermal rock properties conducted on site in the Tournemire field laboratory and at the... -
Tsunami simulation Green's function toolbox TS-GAUSS
TS-GAUSS is a toolbox including (i) software and (ii) datasets for instant calculations of tsunami time-series for an arbitrary seismic source at pre-selected coastal locations.... -
Bohrlochgeophysikalische Messungen an den Geothermiebohrungen Gt Khn 1/88 und...
In diesem Bericht werden die durch das GFZ Potsdam am 29. und 30. November 2023 durchgeführte bohrlochgeophysikalische Messungen in den Bohrungen Gt Khn 1/88 und Gt Khn 2/87 in... -
Denudation and weathering rates of carbonate landscapes from meteoric 10Be/9B...
We provide sample information and geochemical data for obtaining erosion, weathering, and denudation rates from a framework based cosmogenic meteoric 10Be versus stable 9Be... -
Half-hourly CO2 eddy covariance flux data, associated meteorological data and...
This repository contains all the data used for the article "Monitoring cropland daily carbon dioxide exchange at field scales with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery" by Pia... -
Code for linking half-hourly CO2 eddy covariance flux data with Sentinel-2 de...
This repository provides the code used for the article "Monitoring cropland daily carbon dioxide exchange at field scales with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery" by Pia Gottschalk,... -
MC_Diffusion - a C++ software to calculate multi-component diffusion of ions ...
The software is built to calculate multi-component diffusion of ions over a user defined domain based on the equations of previous workers which are summarized in Oelkers... -
Experimental adsorption parameters of boron isotopes on clay minerals
Adsorption and isotopic fractionation of boron on clastic sediment is one process responsible for the heavy boron isotopic composition of the modern ocean. However, the...