exotoxin A
Data collection in plate for testing diffraction on Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A -
BAG for Signal transduction, DNA repair, marine & structural glycobiology, ba...
BAG regrouping small crystallographic teams at Lille, Orléans, Roscoff, Nancy and Marseille. For all projects both SAXS and MX-crystallography studies are required to cover... -
Macromolecular Crystallography in Lyon/Toulouse/Bordeaux / IBCP-MMSB ICBMS / ...
The different research teams who are part of this BAG are located in Lyon, Toulouse and Bordeaux. They are mainly working on worldwide health concerns or biotechnological... -
Structural studies of various proteins in Uppsala
The Block Allocation Group (BAG) includes projects for protein structure-based studies at Uppsala University (UU) and the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU,... -
Joint-Structural Biology Group (JSBG) BAG proposal for ID29 beamline
The aim of the JSBG BAG proposal for ID29 beamline is to develop new methods for time-resolved serial crystallography experiments at 4th generation source and to study time... -
Mechanisms of fast CO2 fixation reaction by enoyl-CoA carboxylases/reductase
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an atmospheric greenhouse gas that feeds all life, plays a critical role in global warming, and could constitute an inexpensive carbon source for future... -
The IBS BAG includes in this proposal IBS teams and external groups from CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We study structure-function... -
BAG Montpellier
The BAG of Montpellier gathers researchers from distinct institutes (CBS, IGF, IRIM and LPHI) affiliated to the INSERM, the CNRS and the university of Montpellier. ... -
EuXFEL-CFEL collaboration BAG for TR-SSX
Beamline ID-29 offers unique opportunities for time-resolved structural biology in the microsecond regime and - because of the small focus - for the use of small crystals for... -
Swiss consortium in macromolecular X-ray crystallography structure determinat...
This proposal is a joined application by major swiss academic universities; EPFL, UNIL, UNIGE and SLS-MX; and lead by Dr. Florence Pojer, head of the protein Production and... -
ITABAG: 3D structures of macromolecules related to human health
The ITABAG includes structural biologists from Universities, the National Research Council and Hospital research centres in Italy. The laboratories take advantage of single... -
The IBS BAG includes in this proposal IBS teams and external groups from CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We study structure-function... -
The IBS BAG includes in this proposal IBS teams and external groups from CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We study structure-function... -
iNEXT Discovery-Instruct ESRF-ERIC; Structural biology for translational rese...
The aim of this proposal is to provide user access to automated protein-to-structure and fragment screening pipelines based on the combination of EMBL HTX lab services and... -
TEST proposal for software developements
This dataset has no description
The IBS BAG includes in this proposal IBS teams and external groups from CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We study structure-function... -
FInnish National Protein Crystallography Consortium
The Finnish BAG encompasses 24 groups active in crystallography in Finland. The projects vary widely and include membrane proteins and protein complexes, other proteins involved... -
ITABAG: 3D structures of macromolecules related to human health
The ITABAG includes structural biologists from Universities, the National Research Council and Hospital research centres in Italy. The laboratories take advantage of single... -
Austrian Crystallographic Diffraction Consortium
The Austrian Crystallographic Diffraction Consortium (ACDC) BAG aims at supporting several macromolecular structural biology groups across Austria (in total 20 research groups... -
Structural Biology at EMBL Grenoble, IBS-CIBB and IAB
This proposal clusters crystallography and bioSAXS projects at the EMBL Grenoble, IBS-CIBB and IAB. It combines groups working on different topics with a major focus on cell...