EuXFEL-CFEL collaboration BAG for TR-SSX


Beamline ID-29 offers unique opportunities for time-resolved structural biology in the microsecond regime and - because of the small focus - for the use of small crystals for e.g. faster diffusion of ligands. We will combine in this BAG research interests from groups from CFEL and EuXFEL, that span from methods development for pink beam SSX data processing and sample delivery to usage of the beamline to gain insights in the structure and dynamics of biological targets. On the methods development side, the Hamburg team pioneered both SSX with experiments at PETRAIII and pink beam SSX (PBSX), first at BioCARS (APS) and soon after at beamline ID-9 of ESRF. We will use the insights gained on PBSX to develop a robust data processing pipeline to enable polychromatic SSX at ID-29 for the broader structural biology community.

Metadata Access
Creator Thomas LANE; Esther Rosalie LANGE ORCID logo; Didier NURIZZO ORCID logo; Antonia KIENE; Dominik OBERTHUER ORCID logo
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2027
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields